维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 360 分析化学 第36卷 Study on the 1,1,3,3-Tetramethylurea・Aqueous Binary System by Raman Spectrometry Zhou Mi ,Gao Shu—Qin ,Lu Guo—Hui。,Jiang Yong—Heng ,Li Zuo—Wei ,Ding Pei—Zhu (College ofPhysics,Jilin University,Changchun 130023) (Institute ofAtomic and Molecular Physics,Jilin University.Ch。ngchun 130012) Abstract The DFT(density functional theory)method was used to optimize and calculate the ge0H1etry struc. ture of 1,1,3,3一tertramethylurea(TMU)molecular and Raman frequency in the level of 6—311G basis set. Meanwhile,in order to make the Raman assignments to the TMU molecular.the calculated TMU Raman rfequency was compared with its Raman frequency that was measured in experiment.The frequent shitf of TMU—aqueous binary solution at different concentration was measured by Raman rilethod。 Under the influence of special interactions(hydrogen band)and steric hindrance of the associated water molecule:when this ratio was lower than 2,the frequency changes of stretching vibration of carboxyl in TMU was linear proportion to this ratio:when this ratio was larger than two.the frequency of stretching vibration of carboxyl was a constant at l 585 cIn 1。。 Under the influence of non.special interaetions of solvent effects,other vibrati0n frequencv change was smal1. Keywords Density functional theory,l,1,3,3,一tetramethylurea,hydrogen bond,Raman spectra (Received 27 June 2007;accepted 8 October 2007) “第十届全国电分析化学学术会议”(第一轮通知) 由中国化学会、国家自然科学基金委员会联合主办,福建省化学会协办的“第十届全国电分析化学学术会c义”将于 2008年l1月中旬在福州召开。本次大会由福州大学负责筹备,由汗尔康院士、陈洪渊院 :任大会主席 、会议存全罔范 围内征文,热忱欢迎踊跃投稿并到会交流。欢迎围内外分析仪器公司、厂商到会介绍和展m产品。有关征文事宜通知 如下: 一、会议主题 (1)电分析化学基础理论与发展综述;(2)生物电分析化学;(3)电化学传感器与电化学免疫分析;(4)化学修饰电 极与微电极;(5)电位法、伏安法及其它电分析技术;(6)电分析化学联用技术;(7)界面电化学与光谱电化学;(8)纳米 电分析化学;(9)电分析化学仪器的新发展及其应用;(10)电化学新技术新 艺及其它相关研究 . 二、征文内容 (1)凡与上述主题相关的分析新理论、新方法和新技术均为本次大会的征文范围。已在刊物i:发表或全 会议L 报告过的论文不在应征之列。 (2)作者需提交电子版论文的详细摘要,用WORD软件编辑,其中包括题日、作者、单位、主要结果和讨论、主要参考 文献和英文摘要 全文不超过2页(A4纸、15 cm X 24㈣、含图表),题嗣用小三号黑体、全文用小四号字宋体或Times New Roman打印。论文务必请提供稿件联系人电话、通讯地址和Email地址。 三、联系方式 应征论文请发至10 neat@fzu.edu.cn,并注明“会议 文”字样,截稿日期2008年7月31日 . 会议相关事宜请与大会秘 长邱彬联系,电话:013328667537. .