考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称 :英语翻译基础
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I. Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into Chinese. (15 scores) 1. UNSC 4. shale gas 7. trade deficit 10. immovable registration 13. EFTA 2. Blue Chips 5. service outsourcing 8. SDR property 11. AIIB 3. CPI 6. real estate destocking 9. marine monitor 12. AI ethics 14. Value-added Tax 15. commercial speculation II. Translate the following proper nouns, abbreviations and technical terms into English. (15 scores) 1、月全食 4、纪念币 7、阅兵和群众游行 10、国家公务员考试 13、亚马逊热带雨林大火 2、香港特别行政区 5、亚太经济合作组织 3、数字信贷平台 6、冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物 8、全国人民代表大会常务委员会 9、粤港澳大湾区 11、金鸡百花电影节 14、应试教育 12、国内生产总值 15、只读光盘 III. Translate the following English into Chinese. (60 scores) If you rest, you rust? Study finds early retirement may speed up cognitive decline It’s hard to think of an early retirement as anything other than a positive. Who wouldn’t want to trade in their suit and tie for a pair of beach shorts? While retiring ahead of schedule may be easier on the body, a new set of research has found that it may not be so beneficial for the mind. The study, conducted at Binghamton University, finds that an early retirement can accelerate the usual rate of cognitive decline among the elderly. 第 1 页 共 2页
The research team analyzed China’s new rural pension scheme (NRPS), as well as China’s most recent Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS), in order to investigate the effects of early retirement and pension benefits on individual cognition among adults over the age of 60. For reference, CHARLS is a representative national survey of China’s population over the age of 45 that tests respondents regarding mental cognition, episodic memory, and overall mental wellbeing. Life expectancy rates in China have steadily increased over the past few decades, coinciding with a decline in fertility. These two trends have resulted in a large elderly population in the Asian nation, subsequently creating an urgent need for more robust pension programs. After going over all of the data, the research team noted a clear trend: individuals receiving pension benefits were experiencing much more rapid mental decline than their counterparts still on the workforce. The most prominent indicator of mental decline among retirees was delayed recall, a trait widely considered to be an accurate predictor of dementia. Surprisingly, females seemed to experience even sharper mental decline after retiring early. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that decreased mental activity accelerates cognitive decline. This study’s findings were similar to previous research that had focused on the impact of retirement on elderly individuals living in the United States, England, and the European Union. So, this is hardly a trend limited to Asia. IV. Translate the following Chinese into English. (60 scores) 如果每年没有12万立方千米的降雨,世界各大洲就会一片荒芜。地球上有些地方,雨水中所含的一些新的成分对环境和人类健康构成了威胁。大气中,雨水与化石燃料产生的污染物混合,把酸带到了地面,这些污染物主要来自发电厂、工厂和汽车排放。酸雨杀死鱼类和水中的其他生物,侵蚀建筑物,其中包括世界上一些最珍贵的古迹。酸雨会毁坏森林和农田,还会对人类健康构成极大的威胁。 人们以为酸雨只是区域性问题,其范围仅限于北半球的工业区。然而酸雨的范围可能会变得越来越大,凡是集中使用化石燃料的地方,都有可能产生酸雨。 第 2 页 共 2页