

2021-05-29 来源:易榕旅网


Part One Early and Medieval English Literature

I . Fill in the blanks.

1. In 1066, _______ , with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating

En gla nd.

A. William the Conq ueror C. Alfred the Great


B. Julius Caesar D. Claudius

2. In the 14 century, the most important writer (poet) is _______ .

A. Lan gla nd

B. Wycliffe

C. Gower

D. Chaucer

3. The prevaili ng form of Medieval En glish literature is ______ .

A. no vel

B. drama

C. roma nee

D. essay

4. The story of _____ is the cul min ati on of the Arthuria n roma nces.

A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. Beowulf C. Piers the Plowma n

D. The Can terbury Tales

5. William Langland ' s _________ is written in the form of a dream vision.

A. Kubla Kha n

C. The Dream of John Bull

B. Piers the Plowma n D. Morte d ' Arthur

6. After the Norma n Conq uest, three Ian guages existed in En gla nd at that time. The

Norma ns spoke ______ . A. French B. En glish C. Latin

D. Swedish

7. _______ was the greatest of En glish religious reformers and the first tran slator of

the Bible. A. Lan gla nd

B. Gower

C. Wycliffe D. Chaucer

8. Piers the Plowma n describes a series of won derful dreams the author dreamed,

through which, we can see a picture of the life in the _______ En gla nd. A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeois D. moder n

9. The theme of ______ to ki ng and lord was repeatedly emphasized in roma nces.

A. loyalty

B. revolt

C. obedie nee D. mockery

10. The most famous cycle of En glish ballads cen ters on the stories about a lege ndary

outlaw called _______ . A. Morte d ' Arthur C. The Can terbury Tales

B. Robin Hood D. Piers the Plowma n



11. _______ , the “ father of English poetry ” and one of the greatest narrative poets of

En gla nd, was born in Londonin about 1340. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawa in

C. Francis Bac on

D. Joh n Dryde n

12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ________ .

A. Fla nders

B. France C. Italy

D. Westmi nster Abbey

13. Chaucer' earliest work of any length is his ____________ , a translation of the French

Roma n de la Roseby Gaillaume de Lorris and Jea n de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13 th and 14th cen turies not on ly in



France but throughout Europe. A. The Romaunt of the Rose C. The Lege nd of Good Wome n

B. “A Red, Red Rose ” D. The Book of the Duchess

14. I n his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupatio ns that had impact on

the wide range of his writi ngs. Which one is not his career? _______ . A. engin eer B. courtier C. office holder D. soldier

E. ambassador F. legislator 议员)

15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named __________ based on Boccaccio ' s

poem “ Filostrato ” .

A. The Lege nd of Good Wome n C. Sir Gawa in and the Gree n Knight

B. Troilus and Criseyde D. Beowulf

Key to the multiple choices 1-5 ADCAB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAAB n . Questions 1. What are the features oBeowulf?

2. Comme nt on the social sig nifica nee and Ian guage iiThe Can terbury Tales

Part Two The English Renaissance

I . Match the writer and his works. 1. Thomas More 2. Holi nshed 3. Hakluyt 4. Richard Tottel 5. Philip Sid ney 6. Walter Raleigh

A. Apology for Poetry

B. Miscella ny of Songs and Sonn ets C. Utopia

D. Discovery of Guia na

E. Prin cipal Navigati ons, Voyages and Discoveries F. Chro nicies

2— F


4— B

5— A


The key: (1— C

n . Choose the best answer.

1. ______ foun ded the Tudor Dyn asty, a cen tralized mon archy of a totally new type,

which met the n eeds of the rising bourgeoisie. A. He nry V B. He nry VII C. He nry VIII D. James I

2. The first complete English Bible was translated by ____________ , the morning star of

the Reformation\" and his followers. A. William Tyn dal C. Joh n Wycliffe

B. James I

D. Bishop Lan celot An drews

3. The progress in in dustry at home stimulated the commercial expa nsion abroad. en couraged

exploratio n and travel, which were compatible with the in terests of the En glish mercha nts.



A. Henry V. B. He nry VII



C. Henry VIII D. Queen Elizabeth

4. Except being a victory of England over__________ , the rout of the fleet Armada”

(Invincible) was also the triumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the decli ning old feudalism. A. Spai n

B. France C. America D. Norway

5. Those, both traders and pirates like _______ , established the first En glish coloni es.

A. Francis Drake B. Lan celot An drews C. William Caxt on D. William Tyn dal

6. _____ was a forerunner of classicism in En glish literature.

A. Ben Joh nson B. William Shakespeare C. Thomas More D. Christopher Marlowe 7. The most gifted of the

“ university wits ” was _________ .

A. Lyly

B. Peele

C. Gree ne

D. Marlowe

8. Morality plays appeared after _______ .

A. miracle plays B. mystery plays C. interlude D. Classical plays 9. _____ is used to say and do good thi ngs.

A. Mercy B. Folly

C. Vice

D. Peace

10. _____ is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.

A. Phillip Sid ney B. Edmu nd Spe nser C. Thomas More D. Walter Raleigh 11. _____ is not a famous translator in the English Renaissanee.

A. Thomas North B. Thomas Wyatt C. George Chapma n

D. Joh n Florio

12. _____ had supplied Shakespeare with the material for Julius Caesar.

A. Lives of Greek and Roan Heroe《希腊罗马名人传》 B. Miscellany of Songs and Sonnets C. Don Quixote D. History of the World

13. _____ was one of the first to see the relation between wealth and poverty to

un dersta nd that the rich were beco ming richer by robb ing the poor. A. Joh n Wycliffe

B. William Caxt on

C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Thomas More 14. Utopia was written in the form of _______ .

A. prose

B. drama

C. essay D. dialogue

15. One of the popular morality plays was _______ .

A. The Shepherds

B. Everyma n

C. The Play of the Weather

D. Gammer Gurtons Needle

16. Shakespeare ' s plays written between __________ are sometimes called

all end in rec on ciliati on and reunion. A. 1590 and 1594 B. 1595 and 1600 C. 1601 and 1607

D. 1608 and 1612

17. Miranda is a heroinein Shakespeare ' s ______________ .

A. Pericles B. Cymbeli ne C. The Win ters Tale

D. The Tempest




18. In ______ appearedShakespear^ Sonne, Never before Imprinted (《莎士比亚十

四行诗》迄今从未干刊印过 ”)which contains 154 sonnets.

A. 1606 B.1607 C.1608

19. Shakespeare is one of the founders of _______ .

A. roma nticism

B. realism C. n aturalism D. classicism


20. Among many poetic forms, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) with

the _________ .

A. dramatic bla nk verse

B. song C. sonnet D. couplet

21. In the plays, Shakespeare used about ___________ words.

A. 15000 B. 16000 C. 17000 D. 18000

22. _____ has been called the summit of the English Renaissanee.

A. Christopher Marlow B. Francis Baco n C. W. Shakespeare

D. Ben Joh nson

Key to the multiple choices:

1-5 BCDAA 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 BDADA 16-22 ACBADDB

川.Fill in the blanks.

1. The _____ was uni versally used by the Catholic Churches.

2. The En glish tran slati on of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle betwee n

_____ and ____ .

3. The Bible was no tably tran slated in to En glish by the _____ . 4. The first complete En glish Bible was tran slated by ______ , of

5. _____ tran slated the New Testame nt and porti ons of the Old Testame nt, which is

known as Tyndale ' s Bible.

6. After Tydale ' s Bible, then appeared the _______________ , which was made in 1611 under

the auspices of _______ . And so was sometimes called the ________ .

7. Apart from the religious in flue nee, the Authorized Versio n has had a great

in flue nee on En glish ___ and ______ .

8. With the widespread in flue nee of the En glish Bible, the sta ndard moder n En glish

has bee n _______ and _______ .

9. A great number of _______ and phrases have passed into daily English speech as

household words.

10. The _____ and ______ Ianguage of the Authorized Version has colored the style of

“ thhenorni ng star



the En glish prose for the last 300 years. 11. _____ was the first English printer.

12. William Caxton was a prosperous merchant himself, but he was fond of _______ , and

his in terest was tur ning to ____ .

13. He translated The Recuyell of Historyes of Troy into English from French which

was the ____ book prin ted in En glish.

14. The Recuyell served as a source for _______ roilus and Cressida《特洛埃勒斯与


15. After having established his printing press, William Caxton devoted himself to

the career of a ______ and ________ .

16. William Caxton published about ________ books, ____ of which were translated by


17. By rendering (翻译)French books into English, Caxton exercised the youthful

Ian guage in the airs (曲调),the graces, the crafts of the elder and con tributed to the developme nt of the style of ________________________ cen tury En glish ____ . 18. The in flue nee of Caxt on

En gla nd.

19. As the first En glish prin ter, Caxt on inven ted in En gla nd the professi on of ___ ,

which in fact has had a lasti ng sig nifica nee to the developme nt of En glish ___ as a whole.

20. The Renaissanee started in the __________ century and ended in the __________ century. 21. The word,

' s publicati ons is also great in fixing a _______ Ian guage in

“renaissanee ” means ______________ , which was stimulated by a series of

historical eve nts, such as ___________ .

22. In the Renaissanee, the humanist thinkers and scholars tried to get rid of those old

in medieval Europe, to in troduce new ideas that expresses of the risi ng bourgeoisie, and to recover the from the corrupti on of the

of the early church

Roma n Catholic Church.

23. ____ is the theme of the English Renaissanee, which emphasized the capacities of

____ and the achieveme nts of ______ .

24. ____ Stanza is a verse form created by __________ for his poem, __________ , in which the

rhyme scheme is ______ .

25. The Wars of the Roses (145—1485) between the House of ________ and the House of

____ struggli ng for the Crow n continued for 30 years.

26. Becauseof the eonflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the King of

En gla nd, the far-reach ing moveme nt of ____ took place in En gla nd, started by He nry VIII.

27. After ____ in England, the helpless, dispossessedpeasants,being compelled to

work at a low wage, became hired laborers for the merchants. These laborers were the fathers of moder n En glish ________________________ .

28. The introduction of ____ to England by William Caxton (1476) brought classical

works withi n reach of the com mon multitude.




29. The 16 eentury in England was a period of the breaking up _________ of relations and

the establishi ng of the foun dati ons of ____ .

30. Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk, it was a time when,

according to Thomas More, “


31. ____ broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries and abbeys in the

eoun try, eon fiscated their lands and proclaimed himself head of the Church of En gla nd. 32. Together with the developme nt of bourgeois relati on ships and formati on of the

English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as . 33. ____ , in his translation of Virgil Aeseid, wrote the first English blank verse. 34. Richard Tottel Mscellany of Songsand Sonnets contained _______________ poems by



________ and _______ by _______ .

35. Philip Sidney thought that _______ had superiority over philosophy and history. 36. _______ is a picture of con temporary En gla nd with forcible exposure of the ______

among the labori ng classes.

37. More points out that the root of poverty is the _____________ of social wealth. 38. Sonnets contain _______ sonnets and _______ sonnets.

39. The highest glory of the En glish Ren aissa nee was unq uesti on ably its _____ . 40. The “ miracles ” were simple plays based on _____________ stories. 41. There are significant touches of ________ life in the play titledThe Shepherds 42. A morality play prese nted the ______ of good and ________ with _______ pers on ages. 43. Vice was the predecessor of the modern ________ .

44. Through the revival of classical literature, En glish playwrights came into con tact

with ________ and _________ drama.

45. From the con tact with Greek and Lat in drama, En glish playwrights lear ned all the

importa nt rules in _____ and ______ , the more exact con cepti on of _____ and ______ .

46. English comedies and tragedies on classical models appeared in the middle of the cen tury. 47. The first English comedy is __________ . 48. The first English tragedy is _______ .

49. Miracle plays, morality plays, interludes and classical plays paved the way for the flourish ing of


50. In the 16 century ________ became the centre of English drama. 51. By ______ , professional actors were organized into companies.

52. ____ were wooden buildings, usually circular in form, with tiers (一排排) of

galleries surro unding a roofless pit (楼下剧场)

53. In the Elizabethan Theater, there were no ________ and women

take n by _____ .

54. Shakespeare ' s narrative poem, Venus and Adonis, is full of vivid images of the , and aphorisms

' s parts were always

格言、警句)on life.

55. Shakespeare was a great _______ of the English Ianguage.

56. Shakespeare ' s dramatic creation often used the method of ____________ . 57. Shakespeare ' s drama becomes a monument of the English ____________ . 58. Shakespeare was a ________ for play-writing.

59. Shakespeare ' s people represent all the complexities and implications of real life. Key to the blanks: 1. Latin Bible

2. Protestantism; Catholicism 3. Protestants

4. John Wycliffe; Reformation 5. William Tyndal

6. Authorized Version, James I; Ki

ng James Bible.

7. Language; literature 8. fixed; con firmed 9. Bible coin ages 10. simple; dignified 11. William Caxt on Reading; literature 12.



14. Shakespeare 15. Printer; publisher 16. 100; 24 17.15th ; prose 18. National

19. Publisher; culture


Surrey 35. poetry

36. Utopia, Book One; poverty 37. private ownership

38. Italian/Petrarchan ; Shakespearean 39. Drama 40. Bible 41. real

42. Conflict; evil; allegorical 43. Clown 44. Greek; Latin

45. Structure; style; comedy; tragedy 46.16th

47. Gammer Gurtons Needle《葛顿大娘的缝 衣针》 48. Gorboduc 《高波特克》 49. Drama 50. London 51.1567

52. Elizabethan theatres 53. actress; boys 54. countryside 55. master

56. adaptation (revision) 57. Renaissanee 58. master-hand 能手) 59. full-blood

th _th

20. 14 ; 17

21. Religious reformation

22. feudalist ideas; interests; purity 23. Humanism; human mind; huma

n culture

24. Spenserian; Edmund Spenser;

The Faerie ababbcbcc 25. Lan caster; York 26. The Reformation

27. the Enclosure Movement;

proletaria ns 28. printing

29. feudal; capitalism 30. sheep devours men 31. William VIII 32. Renaissanee

33. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 34. 96, Sir Thomas Wyatt, 40, Henry

Howard, Earl of

Quee ne

IV . Say true or false.

1. The old En glish aristocracy hav ing bee n exterm in ated (wiped out) in the course of the War of

the Roses, a new no bility, totally depe ndent on Ki ng's power, come to the fore. 2. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

3. The progress of bourgeois economy made England a powerful state and enabled her in 1588 to in

flict a defeat on the Spanish In vi ncible Armada.

4. The Protesta nt Reformati on was in esse ncea religious moveme nt in a political guise. 5. Before the Reformatio n, the En glish Bible was uni versally used by the Catholic churches. 6. Walter Raleigh wrote his History of the World in impris onment. 7. More the man is eve n more in teresti ng tha n Morehe writer. 8. 9.

Utopia, Book One, describes an ideal com munist society.

Tran slati ons occupied an importa nt place in the En glish Ren aissa nee.

10. Philip Sidney ' s collection of love sonnAkstriophel and Stella.

11. The Miracle plays were not forbidden to perform in churches after the actors in troduced secular

and eve n comical eleme nts into the performa nee.



12. The writer of Gammer Gurton sNeedleis unknown.

13. Two lawyers who wrote Gorboduc were Thomas Sackville (托马斯 萨克维尔) and Thomas

Norton (托马斯 诺顿).

14. Shakespeare son nets are divided into three groups: Numbers 1

18—126, and Numbers 12—154.

15. Shakespeare ' s sonnets are written foiev^of virtues.

16. Engels said, “ Realism implies, besides truth in detail, the truthful reproduction of

typical characters un der typical circumsta nces.

—, Numbers

17. Shakespeare wrote about his own people and for his own time.

18. Shakespeare ' s one play contains one th enOcontains more than one theme)

19. To reproduce the real life, Shakespeareoften combines the majestic with the funny, the poetic with

the prosaic散文体的)and tragic with the comic. 20. Engels called Shakespeare ' s plays the

wealth of (大量的)action ” .

21. Utopia is More s masterpiece,written in the form of letters between More and Hythloday, a


22. Sir Philip Sidney is well-known as a poet and dramatist.

23. Carl Marx commented highly on More s Utopia and mentioned it in his great work, The Capital. 24. The highest glory of the En glish Ren aissa nee was unq uesti on ably its poetry.

25. The miracle plays were simple plays based on Bible stories, such as the creation of the world,

Noah and the flood, and the birth of Christ.

26. Grammer GurtonsNeedleis the first English comedy, Gorboduc the first English tragedy.

27. Both the gen tleme n and the com mon people went to the theatres. But the upper class was the

dominant force in Elizabetha n theatre.

28. After Shakespeares death, Herminge and Con dell collected and published his plays in 1623. 29. From Shakespeares history plays, it can be seen that Shakespearetook a great in terest in the

political questio ns of his time.

30. In Shakespeareshistorical plays, historical accuracy is not strictly regarded.

31. King Lear is a tragedy of ambition, which drives a brave soldier and national hero to dege nerate

into a bloody murder and despot right to his doom.

32. Coming from an old Danish lege nd, Othello is con sidered the summit of Shakespeares art. 33. Shakespeare is one of the founders of romanticism in world literature.

34. Gen erally speak ing, after Shakespeare,the En glish drama was un derg oing a process of


35. English Renaissanee Period was an age of poetry and drama, and was an age of

“ ShakespeO活泼nv快活ityand




36. There are two main characters inAs You Like It Orlando and Rosalind.

37. Ben Johnson's comedies are Comedies of humors” and every character in his comedies pers on

ifies a defi nite humor”.

38. In Ben Johnson'later years he became the “literarydng” of his time. Key to the True/False statements: 1. T 2. T 3. T

4. F. (a political

movement in a

religious guise) 5. F. (the Latin Bible) 6. T

7. F (Sidney) 8. T 9. T 10. T 11. T 12. T

13. F ( Book Two) 14. T 15. T 16. T 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. T

21. F (a conversation)

22. F (poet and critic of poetry) 23. F 24. F(darma) 25. T 26. T 27. T 28. T 29. T


37. F (ordinary people were) 38. T


30. T

31. F (Macbeth) 32. F (Hamlet) 33. F (realism) 34. F(decline)

35. F (not an age of prose) 36. T



V . Questions on the English Renaissance

1. Comment on the image of Henry V and Sir John Falstaff. 2. Comment on the character of Hamlet. 3. What are the features of Shakespea'drama?

4. RememberShakespeare major plays in each literary career.

5. Comment on Marlowe'ssocial significanee and literary achievement. 6. Comment on The Faerie Queene

Part Three The Period of the English Bourgeois Revolution

I. Choose the right answer.

1. The rhyme schemeof Milt on ' s L ' Allkegro and Il Pen seroso is __________ .

A. aabbccbbc B. abbacdccd C. abacdeec D. ababcdcdd 2. ______ , as a declaration of people

' s freedom of the press, has been a weapon in

' s NatiVByComus

D. Areopagitica

the later democratic revoluti onary struggles. A. On the Morning of Christ C. Of Reformati on in En gla nd

3. _____ poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the

later sacred verses. A. Joh n Milt on

B. Joh n Bu nya n

C. Joh n Donne D. Joh n Dryde n

4. ______ expressed Donne ' s own way of describing love.

A. Holy So nn ets C. The Sun Risi ng

B. Witchcraft by a Picture D. Death, Be Not Proud

5. George Herbert ' s _____________ is a-kvelwn shaped poem.

A. The Altar C. To Daffodils

B. To His Coy Mistress

D. Gather Ye Rose Buds While Ye May

6. _____ is the lead ing figure of Metaphysical poetry.

A. Joh n Donne

B. George Herbert

C. Andre Marvell D. Henry Vaugha n

7. Which of the follow ing is not a Metaphysical poet?

A. Richard Crashaw B. Henry Vaugha n C. An drew Marvell

D. Robert Burto n



8. _____ is a prose poem on death and immortality.

A. The An atomy of Mela ncholy C. Holy Dyi ng

B. Religio Mecici D. Urn-Burial

9. Izaak Walt on ' s _________ is a delightful descripti on of the En glish coun tryside and the

simple and kind people. A. The Compleat An gler

B. Holy Livi ng

C. To His Coy Mistress D. To Daffadils

10. Who is the greatest figure of the Cavalier poetry?

A. Joh n Suckli ng C. Robert Herrick cen tury. A. Joh n Dryde n C. Joseph Addis on

B. Richard Steele D. Alexa nder Pope B. Richard Lovelace D. Joh n Dryde n

11. ____ was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 19th

Key to the multiple choices: 1-5 CDCBA 6-11 ADDAAD

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, ________________ occupies the most

importa nt place.

2. The Pilgrim 'isogress is one of the most popular pieces of Christian writing

produced duri ng the _______Age.

3. ______ gives a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of

London at the time of Restorati on.

4. ______ masterpiece,The Pilgrim 'Psogress, is an allegory, a narrative in which

gen eral con cepts such as sins, despair, an dfaith are represe ntedas people or as aspects of the n atural world.

5. ______ is the most excellent representative of English classicism in the Restoration


6. In En glish literature, the Restoratio n period is traditi on ally called 7. In political affairs, ______ was quite changeable in attitude.

8. In his “A Essay of Dramatic Poesy” _____ ___ showed his famous appreciation of


9. Dryden wrote about 27 plays. The famous one is ___________ , a tragedy dealing with

the same story as Shakespeare ' s Antony and Cleopatra.

10. The main literary achievements of the 17th century lies in the poetry of John

Milt on, in the prose writi ng of Joh n Bunyan, and in the plays and literary criticism of . 11. Paradise Lost is one ofMilton ' s ____________ . 12. Sata n is the hero in Milt on

“ Age of ______ .

' s masterpiece ________________ .

13. Paradise Lost took its material from ________ .



14. The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized, gen erally speak ing, by in content and

fan tasticality in form.

15. ________ was the forerunner of the En glish classical school of literature in the 18

cen tury.

16. Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost embody Milton

' s belief in the powers of _________

17. The Pilgrim ' s Progress is a religious allegory and is another writing feature. 18. In the second half of the 17 century we may hear the voices of the private

citize ns by letters and _______ . Key to the blanks: 1. (John Bunyan) 2. (Puritan)

3. (The Pilgrim ' s Progress) 4. (John Bunyan ' s) 5. (John Dryden) 6. (Dryden) 7. (John Dryden) 8. (John Dryden) 9. (All for Love) 10. (John Dryden) 11. (epics) 12. (Paradise Lost) 13. (mysticism) 14. (the Bible) 15. (Dryden) 16. (man) 17. (symbolism) 18. (diaries)



III. Say true or false.

1. The major parliamentary clashes of the early 17th century were over land own ership.

2. After the victory of the English Revolution, the movement of the Diggers broke out. The leader of this

revolt is Wat Tyler.

3. With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship, Charles II became the Protector of the En glish

Com mon wealth.

4. The spirit of unity and the feeling of patriotism ended with the reign of James I, and En gla nd was the

n conv ulsed (shook, quivered) with the con flict betwee n the two an tag oni stic camps, the Royalists and the Purita ns.

5. In 1644, James I was sentenced to death and Cromwell became the leader of the coun try. 6. English literature of the 17th century witnessed a flourish on the whole.

7. The Revolution Period produced one of the most important poets in English literature, William


8. The Revoluti on Period is also called Age of Milt on because it produced a great poet whole n ame is

William Milt on.

9. The main literary form in literature of Revolution Period is drama.

10. Among the English poets during the Revolution Period, John Donne was the greatest one.

11. Joh n Milt on towers over his age as Byro n towers over the Elizabetha n Age, and as Chaucer towers

over the Medieval Period.

12.0 n his first wife ' death, Milt on wrote his on ly love poem, a sonn et, on His Deceased Wife. 13. The greatest epic produced by Milt on, Paradise Lose, is writte n in heroic couplets. 14. The poem of Sams on Agon istes was “ to justify the ways of God to man

advocate submissi on to the Almighty.

15. It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of Satan surrounded by his an gels who n ever

think of express ing any opinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute mon arch. 16. Izaak Waton ' s The Compleat Angler becomes a

conn ected with religio n. Key to True/False statements: 1. F (ownership: monopolies) 2. F (Wat Tyler: Gerald Winstanley) 3. F (Charles II: Oliver Cromwell) 4. F (Do nne: Milt on) 5. F (James I: Charles I) 6. F (flourish: decline) 7. T (William Shakespeare)

”,i.e. to

“ Piscatorial classic ” .

17. Thomas Browne' s Religia Medici is a collection of opinions on a vast number of subjects more or less

10. F (James I: Elizabeth I) 11. F (Byron: Shakespeare) 12. F (first: seco nd)

13. F (heroic couplets: blank verse) 14. F (Satan: God)

15. F (Samson Agonistes: Paradise Lost) 16. T

8. F (William: John) IV. Questions

1. What are the writing features ofThe Pilgrim s Progress? 2. Comment on the image of Satan. 3. Comme nt on Sams on.



Part Four The English Century

I . Match the works and the characters. (3 points)


1.( 2.( 3.( 4.( 5.( 6.(

)Tome Jones

)The Vicar of Wakefield )Robinson Crusoe )Gulliver ' s Travels )Pamela

)The School for Scan dal


a. Friday

b. King of Brodingnag c. Sophia d. Mr. B

e. William Thornhill f. Charles Surface

The key: (1 — c, 2—e, 3—a, 4 — b, 5—d, 6—f )

n . Choose the right answer.

1. In 1701, Steele published a pamphlet, ___________ , in which he first displayed his

moraliz ing spirit. A. The Fun eral C. The Christian Hero

B. The Lying Lover D. The Ten der Husba nd

2. Which is the most popular n ewspaper published by Steele?

A. The Tatler B. The Spectator C. The Theatre D. The En glish 3. _____ is Addis onb great tragedy.

A. A Letter from Italy B. Rosam ond A. Isaac Bickerstaff B. Mr. Roger C. Capta in Sentry

D. Andrew Freeport

B. Thomas Brow ne's Religio Meidic D. Addis on's Spectator essays C. Pope D. Dryde n B. The Rape of the Lock D. The Dun ciad

5. were looked upon as the model of En glish compositi on by British authors all through the 18 century.

A. Jeremy Taylors Holy Livi ng C. Samuel Pepyss diaries A. Steele

B. Addis on

C. The Campaig n D. Cato

4. Which of the followi ng is not the hero in The Spectato?

6. The most importa nt classicist in the En lighte nment Moveme nt is ______ . 7. The masterpiece of Alexa nder Pope is ______ .

A. Essay on Criticism C. Essay on Man

8. Essay on Manis a ________ poem in heroic couplets.

A. didactic B. satirical C. philosophical D. dramatic

9. _____ was an in tellectual moveme nt in the first half of the 1$ cen tury.

A. The En closure Moveme nt C. The Religious Reform readers.

A. aristocratic B. middle class C. low class D. i ntellectual 11. ____ is a great classicist but his satire is not always just.

B. The In dustrial Revolutio n D. The En lighte nment

10. The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the ____________



A. Steele B. Milt on C. Addis on D. Pope


12. The main literary stream of the 18 century was_______________ . What the writers

described in their works were mai nly social realities. A. roma nticism B. classicism C. realism D. sen time ntalism


13. The 18 century was the golden age of the English _______ . The novel of this period

spoke the truth about life with an un compromis ing (unbending) courage. A. drama B. poetry C. essay made him well-k nown as a satirist. A. A Tale of Tub

B. Bickerstaff Alma nac

C. Gulliver s Travels D. The Battle of the Books

15. In a series of pamphlets Jonathan Swift denounced the cruel and unjust treatment

of Irela nd by the En glish gover nment. One of the most famous is ______ . A. Essays on Criticism B. A Modest Proposal C. Gulliver s Travels D. The Battle of the Books 16.

D. no vel

14. In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, ___________ and ____ , which

“ Propewords in proper places, makes the true definition of a style. This

sentence is said by ________ , one of the greatest masters of En glish prose. A. Alexa nder Pope B. Henry Field ing C. Jon athan Swift

D. Da niel Defoe

17. ______ ' best-known pamphlet was The Trueborn Englishman—A Satire, which

contained a caustic exposure of the aristocracy and the tyra nny of the church. A. Alexa nder Pope B. Henry Field ing C. Jon athan Swift

D. Da niel Defoe

18. Henry Fielding first novel __________ was written in connection with Pamela of

in his own hovel as to forget his original plan of ridiculi ng Pamela. A. Tom Jones B. Joseph An drews C. Jon atha n Wild D. Amelia

19. ____ the first important work by Tobias Smollett, is based on his own experienee

as a n aval doctor and in part autobiographical. A. Roderick Ran dom C. Peregri ne Pickle

B. Humphry Cli nker D. A Sen time ntal Journey

Samuel Richards on. But after the first 10 chapters, Henry Fieldi ng became so interested and absorbed

20. From the character Mr. Malaprop, in _________ by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, is

derived the term “ malapropism which means a ridiculous misusage of big words. A. The Rivals

C. The Beggars'Opera

B. The School for Scan dal D. The London Merchant

21. Which of the following periodicals is edited by Samuel Johnson? _________ .

A. The Review B. The Tatler C. The Rambler D. The Bee

22. Which of the following works are not written by Oliver Goldsmith? _________ .

A. The Traveller

C. The Vicar of Wakefield

B. The Deserted Village D. The School for Scan dal

23. Which of the following works is written by Edward Gibbon? ________ .

A. The School for Scan dal B. She Stoops to Conq uer



C. The Good-n atured Man D. The Decli ne and Fall of the Roma n Empire 24. The sentence of “ The plowman homeward plods his weary way, /And leaves the

world to dark ness and to me ” is writte n by ___________ . A. William Cowper C. Thomas Gray

B. George Crabbe D. William Blake

B. Songs of Experie nee D. Poetical Sketches

25. _______ is not written by William Blake.

A. The Marriage of Heave n and Hell C. Auld La ng Sy ne 26.

William Blake ' s ____________ . A. Songs of Experie nee


“In seed time lear n, in harvest teach, in win ter enjoy.

B. Songs of Innocence

” This proverb is cited fro

C. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell D. Poetical Sketches

27. The 18 century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties,

_______ , which were satirized by Jonathan Swift in hisGulliver s Travels A. the Whigs and the Tories

B. the sen ate and the House of Represe ntatives C. The upper House and lower House

D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

28. ____ found its representative writers in the field of poetry, such as Edward Young

and Thomas Gray, but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrenee Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith.

A. Pre-roma nticism

B. Roma nticism C. Sen time ntalism

D. Naturalism

29. _______ compiled the A Dictionary of the English Language which became the

foun dati on of all the subseque nt En glish dicti on aries. A. Ben Joh nson C. Alexa nder Pope A. Clarissa Harlowe C. Sir Charles Gran dis on

B. Samuel Joh nson D. Joh n Dryde n

B. Pamela D. Tomes Jones

30. Which of the following novels is not epistolary (written in letter form) novels?

31. Which play is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare?

A. She Stoops to Conquer B. The Rivals C. The School for Sca ndal Key to the multiple choices:

1-5 CADAD 16-20 CDBAA

6-10 CBCDB 21-25 CDDCC

11-15 DDDDB 26-31 CACBDC

D. The Con scious Lovers

川.Fill in the blanks.



1. The essays in Steel'The Tatler were written in the form of ____________ style. 2. Steeles appeal was made to the _______ classes.

3. The purpose of Addis on and Steel'ideas expressed irThe Spectatoris _____________ . 4. ______ is the most strik ing feature in The Spectator

5. Addis on and Steele developed the form of letter writi ng to the verge of the _______

no vel.

6. Humor, intimacy and eleganee shown inThe Tatler and The Spectatoressays have

become the striki ng features of the En glish ______ . 7. Essay on Criticism is a _________ poem. 8. The Dunciad is ________ a poem.

9. English enlighteners believed in the _______ .

10. English enlighteners believed that social problems could be dealt with by ________ . 11. Blake attacks religious ________ in the poem, A Little Boy Lost.

12. Burns ' s poems like The Jolly Beggars are characterized by humor and ___________ . 13. Sheridan 'Tbe School for Scandal has been called a great comedy of ______________ ,

giving a brillia nt portrayal and a bit ing satire of En glish high society. 14. Sameul Johnson ' s ____________ also marked the end of English writers

patr on age of n obleme n for support.

15. Samuel Richards on' §rst no vel, Pamela, is the first ______________ no vel in En glish


16. Tobias Smollett, a good humorist, used the form of _________ novel. His humor is

better show n inHu mphrey Cli nker tha n any where else.

17. In describing Robinson ' s life on the island, Defiessgiuman ______________ . 18. Fielding thought that the stage should be the school of ________ .

19. The chapter of “ On Hats ” in Fielding ' s Jonathan Wild is full of satire and ____________________ . 20. Laurenee Sterne belonged to the school of those writers who were versed in the

' relianee on the



“ kno wledge of ____ .

Key to the blanks: 1. conversational 2. middle 3. social reform 4. Character sketch 5. epistolary 6. familiar essay 7. didactic 8. satirical

11. persecution 12. lightheartedness 13. manner

14. A Dictionary of En glish Lan guage 15. epistolary 16. picaresque 17. labor 18. morality 19. symbolism 20. Heart

IV . Say true or false.

1. Addis on s The Spectatorwas published three times a week, hav ing one essay for each issue. 2. Addis on s chief con tributi on to literature lies in his essays writte n for The Tatler

and The Spectator

3. The essays published in The Tatler deal with the curre nt topics of the time which treated in a serious


4. The character sketches irThe Spectatorare the forerunner of the English novel. 5. Steeles translations of Humor's works are done in heroic couplet. 6. Isaac Bickerstaff is the major character ofThe Spectator.


7. The 18 century was an age of poetry. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Jon atha n Swift,

Samuel Richards on, Henry Field ing, were produced.

8. Novel writing made a big advanee in the 18 th century. The main characters in the no vels were no Ion

ger com mon people, but the kings and n obles.


9. The 19 century produced the first English novelists, who fall into two groups: the sen time ntalist no

velists and the realist no velist.

10. I n the poems of Edward Young and Thomas Gray, sen time ntalism found its fine expressi on. 11. A Tale of a Tub is main ly an attack on peda ntry in the literary world of the time, in which the reader

is told the story of the Bee and the Spider.

12. Tobias Smollett gives a true picture of the evils in the British navy in the novel of Roderick Ran dom in

which Ran dom, like Smollett, is a Scot and a doctor. 13. The two most important of all Samuel Johnson

which pass judgme nt on a cen tury of En glish poetry.

14. Classicism turned to the countryside for its material, so is in striking contrast to sen time ntalism,

which had confined itself to the clubs and draw in g-rooms, and to the social and political life of London.

' s literary works are the preface and

comme nts of in dividual plays in his editi on of Shakespeare, and his Lives of Poets,



15. Robert Bur ns is remembered mai nly for his songs writte n in the En glish dialect on a variety of


16. In The School for Scan dal, Sherida n con trasts two brothers, Joseph Surfacea nd Charles Surface. 17. My Heart ' s in thHighlands is one of the best known poems written by Robert

Bur ns in which he pored his un shakable love for his homela nd. 18. Racial discrimination is expressed in Blake 19. Many of Goldsmith ' s poems were put to music.

20. Pre-romanticism is ushered by Burns and Blake and represented by Percy, Macphers on and Chattert


' s “ The Little Black ” .

Key to the True/False statements: 1. F (one time a day) 2. T

3. F (light and pleasant manner) 4. T 5. F(Pope's) 6. F (The Tatlei) 7. F (prose) 8. 9.

F (n obles; com mon people) F (18th )

10. T

11. F ( The Battle of the Books) 12. T 13. T

14. F ( Sen time ntalism; classicism) 15. F ( Scottish) 16. T 17. T 18. T

19. F (Burns ' s)

20. F ( Percy, Macphers on and Chattert on; Bur ns and Blake) V . Questions

1. Comment on the English classicists in the 18 century. 2. Comment on The Spectator



Part Five Romanticism in England

I . Choose the right answer. 1.

Roma nticism fights aga inst the ideas of ________ . A. realism B. Ren aissa nee C. En lighte nment 2.

The main literary stream is ______ .

A. poetry B. no vels C. prose D. periodicals 3.

____ has a ano ther n ame calledThe Daffodils ”. A. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” C. Revoluti on” 4.

B. Tintern Abbey”

D. I' Wan dered Lon ely as a Cloud

D. feudalism

Coleridge's ________ is a conversation” poem.

A. Frost at Mid ni ght B. The Rime of the An cie nt Mari ner” C. Christabel

D. Biographia Literaria

5. Byron s ______ is regarded as the great poem of the Romantic Age. A. Childe Harold 'Pilgrimage C. Lara

B. Hours of Idle ness D. Don Jua n

6. Prometheus Unbounds ______ masterpiece. A. Wordsworth's

B. Byron s

C. Shelley's

D. Keats'

7. ____ lived the Ion gest life. A. Wordsworth

B. Byro n

C. Shelley

D. Keats

8. Keats'first poem is _______ .

A. O Solitude B. On First Look ing in to Chapma n'sHomer C. Poems

D. En dym ion

9. Keats' best ode is ______ . A. On a Grecia n UrrT C. To Psyche'

B. To Autu mn” D. To a Nightingale”

10. The best works of William Hazlitt is ______ .

A. The Spirit of the Age

B. Table Talk

C. The Characters of ShakespearePlays D. On the En glish Poets

11. The publication of _________ marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement in

En gla nd.

A. Tintern Abbey” C. Frost at Night

B. Lyrical Ballads D. The Daffodils ”

12. The Preludehas also been called __________ .

A. The Last Brazil

C. Growth of a Poet'Mi nd

B. The First Impressi on D. The Spirit of the Age



13. Wordsworth's I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud has also been called _____________ .

A. The Solitary Reaper

C. “The Rime of the Ancient Mari ner

B. The Daffodils ” D. ” “O Solitude ”

14. ______ is considered Wordswort'masterpiece.

A. The Prelude C. Don Jua n

B. En dym ion

D. Biographia Literaria

15. The prose writers in the English Romantic Age developed a kind of ____________ .

A. models of classicism B. familiar essay

C. rules of n eo-roma nticism D. ways of modernism 16. The best essayist in the English Romantic Age is _________ .

A. Keats B. Walter Scott C. Charles Lamb D. William Hazlitt 17. The themes ofPride and Prejudice are _________ .

A. pride and prejudice C. love and marriage

B. the writer 'sown pers on alities D. Both A and C

18. ______ is considered the father of historical novelist in the English Romantic Age.

A. Jane Austen B. Charles Lamb C. William Hazlitt D. Waler Scott 19. Lamb'writ ings are full of ________ for he is especially fond of old writers.

A. roma nticism B. conv ersati ons C. i nspirati ons D. archaisms 20. Lamb is a romanticist of _________ .

A. the city B. the coun tryside

C. n ature

D. imagi natio n

21. ______ is based on Boccaccics Decamer on

A. En dym ion B. Isabella

D. Hyperio n

D. Lamia

22. Critics agree that ________ is a great romantic poet, standing with Shakespeare,

Milt on and Wordsworth in the history En glish literature. A. Keats B. Wordsworth C. Coleridge D. William

23. The reader can get a broad panorama of the social life of the English Romantic

Age from _______ . A. Dun Jua n

B. The Prelude C. Kubla Kha n

D. Isabella

24. Some critics think that some of Byron'spoems show his __________ .

A. in dividual heroism and pessimism B. love of n ature and optimism C. love of old writers

D. hatred for the imperialism

25. One of Coleridge'sbest conven ti on al” poems is _______ .

A. Kubla Khan C. Christabel

B. Frost at Night D. Biographia Literaria

26. Coleridge'best literary criticism is _______________ .

A. Kubla Khan

B. Frost at Night



C. Christabel

27. ______ is Shelley'masterpiece.

A. Zastrozzi C. Queen Mab

D. Biographia Literaria

B. The Necessity of Atheism D. Prometheus Un bou nd

28. ______ is a joint book by Charles Lamb and his sister.

A. Joh n Woodvil C. Mr H

B. Essays of Elia

D. Tales from Shakespeare

29. Because of __________ , Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University.

A. The Masque of An archy C. The Necessity of Atheism

B. A Defence of Poetry D. The Triumph of Life

30. ________ is Shelley'first book written in ________ .

A. Zastrozz; Eto n C. Quee n Mab Greece

B. The Necessity of AtheisryiItaly D. Prometheus Unbound Italy

31. The Romantic Age began in ______ and came to an end in ________ .

A. 1789 …1821 B. 1778…1823 C. 1798…1832

D. 1768…1819

32. Byron, Shelley and Keats belong to Romantic poets of _______ generation.

A. the first B. the sec ond

C. the third D. the forth

33. The Exam in eris a famous ________ in the En glish Roma ntic Age.

A. no vel

B. poem C. periodical D. n ewspaper

Key to the multiple choices: 1-5 CADAD 16-20 CDDDA 31-33 CBC

n . Fill in the blanks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In a sense, in English Romantic Age, “ ” equaled “


6-10 CACDA 21-25 BAAAB

11-15 BCBAB 26-30 BDDCA

William Wordsworth was in flue need by the ______ Revoluti on. Many subjects of Lyrical Ballads deal with eleme nts of _______ . Wordsworth's The Prelude is an _______poem. Writi ng The Preludeis a process of_______ .

Byro n ' Childe Harold 'Pilgrimage is an _________ poem.

Shelley \"sworks reflect his in terests both in _______ and in _____________ . The theme of Keats Hyperi on is the _____ betwee n the old and the n ew. Charles Lamb's Tales from Shakespeares for __________ .

10. ________ a joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge.



11. The publicati on of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 marks the beg inning of the _________ in

En gla nd.

12. The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a ___________ with the poor, simple

peasa nts, a passi on ate love of n ature and the _____ and ______ of the Ian guage. 13. The description of the book, ________ has been called a long journey home.



14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

____ was the only old roma ntic who n ever wavered in his devoti on to the cause of the French Revoluti on.

All his life, Hazlitt rema ined loyal to the prin ciples of , _______ and _________ . Roma nticism is applied to a Europea n moveme nt in the _ to ______ cen tury. The publicati on of Lyrical Ballads marked the break with ____ . The Roma ntic Age is an age of roma ntic ___ and __________ .

The Roma ntic Age bega n in 1798 whe n William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge published their joint work ____________________ .

The Romantic Age came to an end in 1832 when the last Romantic writer died.

Women as _ appeared in the romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time, an importa nt place in En glish literature. The greatest historical no velist __ was produced in the Roma ntic Age. The En glish Roma ntic period produced two major no velists: _ and _______ . is regarded as the best essayist duri ng the Roma ntic Age. Among Wordsworth's Ion ger poems, the best-k nown one is ____ .

______ marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it.

In 1817, ____ finished his literary criticism, Biographia Literaria .

At the tur n of the 18th and 19h century _ appeared in En gla nd as a new trend in literature.

atte ntio n to the spiritual and emoti on al life of man.

Wordsworth spoetry is disti nguished by the __ of his Ian guage.

Quee n Mab, Pecy Bysshe Shelley \"simporta nt poem, is writte n in the form of a

In con trast to the rati on alism of the en lighte ners and classicists in the 18cen tury, the paid great

29. ____ was the first poet in Europe who sang for the work ing people. His political lyrics are among the

best of their kind in the whole sphere of Europea n roma ntic poetry.

30. After his sec ond book En dym ion appeared in 1818, ______ gave up medici ne for poetry.


' grave bears the epitaph:Hear lies one whose n ame is writ in wate” 32.

The Eve of St. Agneis a n arrative poem writte n in ___ .

The theme of is the con flict betwee n the old and the n ew, and the story is

derived from Greek mythology .In this work, the poet expresses the eter nal law of n ature— the pass ing of an old order of thi ngs and the coming of a n ew. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Moder n essay origi nated from Mon taig ne' __ , which were tran slated into En glish by Florio and had an exte nsive in flue nee upon En glish literature. The first poem in the collection The Lyrical Ballads is ____ ' masterpiece. The Rime of the Ancient Mari ner.

On the death of Robert Southey in 1843, _ was made poet laureate. In 1805, Wordsworth completed ___ , containing all together 14 books.

In 1807 George Gordon Byron published his lyric poems in a small volume called Hours of Idle ness. The volume was sharply attacked in the in flue ntial Edin burgh 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.



Review. Byron responded with his first important poem, a biting satire called . 42. In 1824, the Revolutionary Romantic poet _________ went to Greece to help that

country in its struggle for liberty aga inst Turks. Not long, he died of fever there. 43. George Gordon Byron is chiefly known for his two long poems: One is Childe

Harold 'Pilgrimage, the other is _______ .

44. The poem Childe Harold ' Pilgrimage contains ___________ cantos. It is written in

Spe nseria n sta nza.

45. George Gordon Byron wrote ______ in Italy. It contains sixteen cantos. 46. George Gordon Byrons masterpiece is __________ .

47. _____ is George Gordon Byronsphilosophical poetic drama.

48. _____ is Byron'poetic drama with the material taken from Biblical story. 49. George Gordon Byrons first volume of poems is _________ .

50. _____ was expelled after only six mon ths at Oxford, because he had writte n the

pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism

51. After the death of Percy Bysshe Shelley ' first wife, he was compelled to leave

En gla nd in 1818, and spe nt all the rest of his life in ______ .

52. _____ is Percy Bysshe Shelley\"sfirst long poem of importanee. It was written in

the form of a fairy tale dream.

53. _____ , a lyrical drama, is Percy Bysshe Shelley's masterpiece.The story was

take n from Greek mythology.

54. The Masque of Anarchy is one of Shelley's political lyrics. It deals with the

infam ous _____ which happe ned on August 16, 1819.

55. Shelley wrote an elegy ___________ lamenting the early death of his fellow-poet 56. Ode to a Night in gale was writte n by ___ .

57. Ivanhoe is the masterpiece of the historical novelist


58. The prose-writers in the 19 cen tury made the in formal essay a pliable (flexible)

vehicle for expressing the writer' own personality, thus ringing into English literature 59. _____ had a bitter hatred of the meaningless drudgery (toil) which wasted

two-thirds of his lifetime.

60. To Charles Lamb, _______was a side-occupation. His daily drudgery left little time

for his literary work.

61. Specime nsfrom En glish Dramatic Poets Con temporary with Shakespearewas

writte n by _____ .

62. William Hazlitt is one of the represe ntatives of ____ criticism, in which in dividual

taste took the place of uni versal reas on as the foun dati on of literary criticism. 63. After the defeat of Napoleon, _________ was the only old Romantic who never

wavered in his devoti on to the cause of the French Revoluti on.

64. _____ was sentenced to two years' imprisonment for denouncing the Prince

Rege nt, future George IV as a rake and a liar.

65. The importanee of Leigh Hunt lies chiefly in his development of the light

miscella neous ____ .




66. In order to relieve the pains of facial neuralgia, ___________ became a regular and

con firmed opium-eater”

67. Thomas De Quincey is famous for the ornate descriptions of his fantasies and

dreams. The major flow of his style is _______ .

68. _____ has bee n uni versally regarded as the foun der and great master of historical

no vel.

Key to the blanks: 1. literature; poetry 2. French 3. nature

4. autobiographical 5. self-exploration 6. autobiographical 7. politics; social justice 8. conflict 9. children 10. Lyrical Ballads 11. Romantic Movement 12. Sympathy; simplicity; purity

13. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet' Mi

nd 14. Hazlitt

15. liberty; equality; fraternity 16. late 18th; mid-19th 17. classicism

18. enthusiasm; poetry 19. Lyrical Ballads 20. Walter Scott 21. novelist 22. Walter Scott

23. Water Scott, Jane Austen 24. Charles Lamb 25. The Prelude 26. Scott

27. Samuel Taylor Coleridge 28. romanticism 29. romanticists 30. simplicity 31. fairy tale dream 32. Shelley 33. John Keats 34. John Keats


35. Spenserian Stanza 36. Hyperion 37. Essais 38. Coleridge 39. Wordsworth 40. The Prelude

41. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 42. Byron 43. Don Juan 44. four 45. Don Juan 46. Don Juan 47. Manfred 48. Cain

49. Hour of Idleness 50. Shelley 51. Italy 52. Queen Mab

53. Prometheus Unbound 54. Peterloo Massacre 55. John Keats 56. John Keats 57. Scott

58. the familiar essay 59. Charles Lamb 60. literature 61. Charles Lamb 62. Romantic 63. William Hazlitt 64. Leigh Hu nt


65. essay

66. Thomas De Quin cey 67. discursiveness 68. Walter Scott



IH . Say true or false. 1. 2. 3.

En glish Roma ntic literature started from mid-l8h to the early ldh cen tury. Jane Auste n is one of the greatest roma ntic woma n no velists. After compos ing the Lucy poems, Wordsworth bega n hisThe Prelude. rebellious attitude. 5. 6. 7. 9.

The rhythm scheme of The Ode to the West Wind is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee. Charles Lamb is a roma nticist of the village life.

Lyrical Ballads beg ins with Coleridge's long poem, Tintern Abbey”. Coleridge wrote the majority of poems in Lyrical Ballads. nd.

11. The Prelude is a long and autobiographical poem considered as Coleridge's


12. Hazlitt 'life and career had bee n greatly in flue need by the rise and fall of the French

Revoluti on.

13. Hazlitt became a master of novels in English Romantic literature.

14. Some romantic writers stood on the side of the feudal forces and even combined

themselves with those forces.

15. Wordsworth and Coleridge are revolutionary Romantic poets.

16. Byron and Shelley and Keats are known as the romantic poets of the second gen erati


17. The roma nticists paid great atte nti on to the spiritual and emoti on al life of man. 18. The poets of the second generation described the beautiful scenes and the country

people of that area in their writ in gs.

19. Jane Austen is a writer who regards novel writing as a sophisticated art. 20. The story of Shelley's Prometheus Unboundwas taken from Roman mythology. 21. Shelley is one of the leading Romantic poets, an intense and original lyrical poet in the

En glish Ian guage.

22. Byron ' Don Juan begins with descriptions of the herdschildhood.

23. Byron ' literary career was closely linked with the struggle and progressive moveme nts

of his age.

24. Byron opposed oppressi on and slavery, and has a passi on ate love for liberty. 25. But some critics think Keats lacks the care for artistic finish; many of his lines

are harsh, rugged and not rhythmical; 26. Byron ' leading principle is

“ Beauty is trbfeia tituth

4. P.B. Shelley gained his nickname, Mad Shelley” becauseof his independent and

8. Many of the subjects of the poems in Lyrical Ballads deal with elements of n ature. 10. Wordsworth's I' Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” has another name,Growth of a PoetsMi

27. Lamb's essays are inten sely pers on al.

28. Keats' essays are marked by relaxed style, conversational tone and wide range of subject matter.

29. Wordsworth drew inspirations from the mountains and lakes.

30. Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey” tells a strange story in the form of ballad.



Key to True/False statements: 1. F (from late 18th to the mid-19th cen

tury) 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F (city)

7. F ( The Rime of the Ancient Mari ner ”) 8. T

9. F (Wordsworth) 10. F ( The Daffodils ) ” 11. F (Wordsworth) 12. T

13. F (familiar essay) 14. T

15. F ( Passive Romantic poets) IV . Terms: 1. Romanticism 2. Lake Poets

16. T 17. T

18. F (the first generation/ The Lake

Poets) 19. T 20. F (Greek) 21. T 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. F (Byron) 26. F (Keats) 27. T 28. F (Lamb) 29. T

30. F (Coleridge's “TheRime of the

Ancient Mariner ) ”

V . Questions:

1. Comment on Lyrical Ballads. 2. Comment on Charles Lamb. 3. Comment on those Lake Poets. 4. What are the features of Romanticism. 5. Comment on The Prelude 6. Comment on Endymion.

7. Comment on all the writers of the Romantic Age.

8. Tell the main idea of some representative works of the Romantic writers.

Part Six English Critical Realism

I . Choose the right answer.

1. ______ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.

A. Jane Auste n



B. Thackeray C. Dicke ns D. Charlotte

2. _____ is Thackeray ' s one of the best known works.

A. Sense and Sen sibility B. The Book of Sn obs C. The Pickwick Papers D. The Song of Lower Class

3. Pride and Prejudice' s first title is ________ .

A. First Impressi on B. A Book Without a Hero C. The Newcomes D. Persuasi on

4. Vanity Fair has a sub-title. It is _______ .

A. First Impressi on B. A Book Without a Hero C. The Newcomes D. Persuasi on


5. In the 19 century English literature, a new literary trend _________ appeared. And it

flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. A. roma nticism

B. n aturalism C. realism D. critical realism

6. En glish critical realism found its expressi on chiefly in the form of ______ .

A. novel

B. drama C. poetry D. sonnet

7. _______ ' Vanity Fair is a satirical portrayal of the upper strata阶层)of society.

A. George Eliot C. W. M. Thackeray

B. Elizabeth Gaskell D. Joh n Buyan

8. The ______ Movement appeared in the thirties of the 19 century.

A. En lighte nment

B. Ren aissa nee C. Chartist D. Roma nticist

9. The Chartist writers introduced a new theme into literature, the struggle of the for its


A. soldiers B. peasa nts C. bourgeoisie D. proletariat 10. The greatest of Chartist poets was _________ .

A. Earn est Jones C. Thomas Hardy

B. Joh n Milt on D. John Keats

11. The story of ________ deals with the adventures of a retired old merchant.



A. A Tale of Two Cities C. Pickwick Papers

B. David Copperfield D. Oliver Twist

12. The novel _______ exposes the terrible conditions of English private schools.

A. Nicholas Nickleby B. Oliver Twist C. Hard Times

D. Great Expectati ons

13. The story of ______ deals with the sufferings and hardships of an old man named

Trent, and his gran ddaughter, Nell. A. Pickwick Papers C. Great Expectati ons

B. The Old Curiosity Shop D. Hard Times

14. Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education?

A. Oliver Twist C. Great Expectati ons

B. Hard Times D. A Tale of Two Cities

15. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to en ter the

higher society regardless of the social reality? A. A Tale of Two Cities C. Great Expectati ons

B. David Copperfield D. Dombey and Son

16. In the no vel ________ , Dicke ns describes the Chartist Moveme nt and shows his

sympathy for the workers.

A. Great Expectati ons B. A Tale of Two Cities C. Hard Times

D. Oliver Twist

17. In the novel ____ , Defarge and Madame Defarge represent the revolutionaries.

A. Dombey and Son C. Little Dorrit

B. A Tale of Two Cities D. Bleak House

18. In the novel ______ , Dr. Manette is a typical bourgeois intellectual.

A. David Copperfield C. Bleak House

B. Wutheri ng Heights D. A Tale of Two Cities

19. ______ is ofte n regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dicke ns in which

the early life of the hero is largely based on the author A. The Curiosity Shop C. Oliver Twist

B. David Copperfield D. Great Expectati ons

' s early life.

20. In 1864, Dicke ns published his last complete novel ___________ .

A. The Old Curiosity Shop B. The Pickwick Paper C. Our Mutual Frie nd

21. Which of the following is Thackeray

A. The Virgi nians C. The Newcomes


D. Little Dorrit

' s masterpiece?

B. The Books of Sn obs D. Van ity Fair


22. The sub-title of Vanity Fair is _______ .

A. The First Impressio n C. The Spirit of the Age

B. A Novel Without a Hero D. The Daffodils

23. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from Bunyan ' s masterpiece _______________

A. The Pilgrim s Progress C. Gulliver s Travels

B. Child Harold s Pilgrimage D. The Can terbury Tales

24. Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled ________ .

A. Jane Eyre B. Agnes Grey C. Wutheri ng Heights D. Emma 25. Charlotte Villette is based on her sad days in__________ .

A. Germa ny

B. London C. Paris D. Brussels

26. Dicke ns ' third literary period shows inten sify ing __________ .

A. optimism B. exciteme nt

C. irritatio n D. pessimism

27. _______ s Dicke ns ' best of social satires.

A. American Notes C. Dombey and Son

B. Marti n Chuzzlewit D. David Copperfield

28. Tennyson Tn Memoriam is a collect ion of ______ short poems.

A. 130 B.131 C.132 D. 133

29. The chief source of Tennyson Idylls'olsthe Ki ng is take n from ________ .

A. The History of the Ki ng of Britai n C. The History of Henny Esmond

B. The History of Pendennis D. Morte d ' Arthur

30. The Chartists refer to those ________ in the early Victorian Age

A. Roma ntic writers C. realistic poets

B. worki ng class writers D. bourgeois writers

31. The Victorian Literature began in _____ and ended in ________ .

A. 1837 …1900 B. 1835 …1901 C. 1832 …1902 D. 1830 …1903

32. The con flicts betwee n the capitalists and the proletaria n in in dustrial En gla nd

caused the _________ .

A. En lighte nment Moveme nt C. Chartist Moveme nt

B. I ndustrial Revoluti on D. Roma ntic Moveme nt

33. _______ is the greatest among the critical realists of the Victoria n Age.



A. Earn est Jones B. Emily Bront e C. Charlotte Bront

dD. Charles Dicke ns

34. Charles Dicke ns was impressive for his _________ .

A. wide spread of critical realism

B. his spirit of democracy and huma nism

C. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear Ianguage D. including A, B and C 35.

“ The pride of wealth ” 精品文档

c-pridepursie the theme of___________ .


A. Dombey and Son B. Nicholas Nickleby

C. The Old Curiosity Shop D. Marti n Chuzzlewit 36. The two cities in A Tale of Two Citiesrefer to _______ .

A. London and New York B. London and Paris C. Paris and New York D. Brussels and Washi ngton 37. _____ is the major literary form in the Victoria n Period.

A. essay B. poetry C. no vel

D. drama

38. _____ is the mai n hero in the no vel ofWutheri ng Heights

A. Rochester B. Heathcliff C. Ma nette D. Marti n

39. Both Charlotte and Emily wrote about the _______ around them.

A. familiar things B. com mon people C. n eighbors

D. evils

40. The most important poet in the Victorian Age was ________ .

A. Earn est Jones C. Mr. Brow ning

B. Elizabeth Gaskell D. Alfred Te nnyson

41. _______ made Dicke ns famous over ni ght.

A. Sketches by Boz B. The Pickwick Papers C. Oliver Twist

D. The Old Curiosity Shop


43. Which of the followi ng Dicke ns

colori ng?

A. Christmas Day in the Morning C. The Chimes (《教堂钟声》) 44. 拉奇》)

is Dicke ns 'first no vel of social history reflect

ing the sharp social

con tradicti ons.

A. Sketches by Boz B. America n Notes

C. Martin Chuzzlewit D. Barnaby Rudge(《巴纳比

' works is not based on Christmas with religious

B. A Christmas Carol

D. The Cricket on the Heart(《灶上蟋蟀》) is an autobiographical no vel and loved by

Dicke ns himself most. A. Great Expectati ons C. Bleak House

B. David Copperfield D. The Pickwick Papers

45. Dicke ns ' writi ng is an en cyclopedic kno wledge of ________ .



A. Paris B. New York C. Lo ndo n

46. The head of the gang of thieves is ________ .

A. Fagin B. Gradgri nd 47.

D. Portsmoth

C. Pecksmiff D. Ma nette

has bee n called “ the supreme epic of En glish life

B. A Tale of Two Cities

48. ______ marked a great adva nee in Dicke ns

and logical plot of his maturer works. A. David Copperfield B. Dombey and Son C. Little Dorrit

D. The Chimes

' art oWritOvelwith closely knit

49. In the ______ period, Charles Dicke ns believed that all the evils of the capitalist

world would be remedies of only men who behaved to each other with kin dli ness, justice, and sympathetic un dersta nding. A. first B. sec ond

C. third D. fourth

50. _____ is the most class-c on scious book among the Christmas books.

A. A Christmas Carol C. The Cricket on the Hearth

B. The Chimes D. The Battle of Life

Key to the multiple choices:

1-5 CBABD 16-20 CBDBC 31-35 CCDDA

46-50 ADBAB 6-10 ACCDA 21-25 DAACD 36-40 BCBAD

11-15 CABBC 26-30 DBBDB 41-45 BDABC

n . Fill in the blanks.

1. Dicke ns ' writ in gs from 1836 to 1841 show the characteristic of youthful ___________ 2. Dicke ns ' writ in gs from 1842 to 1850 show the character of ____________ . 3. Dicke ns ' writ in gs from 1852 to 1870 show theature of _________ .

4. Nicholas Nickleby touches upon a burning question of the time— the education of in private schools. 5. _____ is a great novel of social satire and famous for its criticism of both the

British and America n bourgeoisie.

6. The theme of Dombey and Sonis the pride of wealth, or

“ _____ ” .

7. David Copperfield was writte n in the ______ pers on in a comb in ati on of ___ , sense

of _____ and artistic _________ . A. Nicholas Nickleby C. Hard Times


8. The main butt (目标)of satire in Bleak House is aimed at the abuses of D. The Pickwick Pap ers



En glish _______ .

9. In Hard TimesDickens describes the ________ movement with great artistic power. 10. Dicke ns used _________ as his pen n ame in his first book.

Key to the blanks: 1. optimism 3. pessimism 4. children

5. Martin Chuzzlewit 6. purse-pride

7. first; verisimilitude; familiarity;

8. 9.

2. excitement and irritation

maturity courts Chartist

10. Boz

川.Say true or false.

1. Dicke ns The Pickwick Papersgives a rather comprehe nsive picture of early 19 century En gla nd. 2. Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller were two major characters inThe Pickwick Paperswhich aroused the 3. In Oliver Twist, Dicke ns makes his readers aware of the in huma nity of country life un der capitalism 4. The plot of Sketchesby Boz is rather formless, but the no vel fasc in ates the reader from beg innin episodes.

5. The title Bleak Houseis not only the name of a house but is also an apt贴切的)description of the s( 6. Hard Times is a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education and ethic论理学,道德学 )and 义). 7. Dombey and Sonis a novel with imprisonment, both matter-o-fact or symbolic, as its central theme. 8. A Tale of Two Citiestakes the In dustrial Revoluti on as the subject.

9. The theme underlyingA Tale of Two Citiesis the idea “Where there is oppression, there is rev 10. Pip is the major character in Dicke ns Our MutiooleF riend . Key to True/False statements: 1-5 TTFFT

6-10 TFFTF

Part Seven Prose Writers and Poets of the Mid

th and Late 19 Century

I . Choose the right answer. 1. ____ is Oscar Wilde's only novel.

A. Lady Windermeres Fan

B. A Woman of No Importanee

C. The Picture of Doria n Gray D. The Importa nee of Bei ng Earn est 2. ____ is a description of the misery of man of letters.

A. New Grub Street


B. The Curre nt


C. Charles Dicke ns: A Critical Study D. The Private Papers of He nry Ryecroft 3. A Dream of John Ball is a prose work which _______ recalled the peasants rising of

the 14h cen tury. A. Morris B. Giss ing classless society. A. Morris B. Giss ing

C. Steve nso n

D. Wilde

5. ______ is famous for his translation ofRubaiyat.

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald B. William Fitzgerald C. Robert Fitzgerald

D. Edward Fitzgerald

6. _____ is Dante Gabriel Rossett'best-known poem.

A. The Blessed Damozel B. Poems by D. G Rossetti C. The House of Life

D. Ballads and Sonn ets C. Steve nso n

D. Wilde

4. News from Nowhereis a prose work which _______ describes a dream of the future

7. _____ is considered the Sage of Chelsea.

A. Thomas Carlyle C. Matthew Arnold

B. Joh n Rusk in D. Tomas Macaulay

8. _____ introduced German literature to England with hisLife of Schiller.

A. Thomas Carlyle C. Matthew Arnold

B. Joh n Rusk in D. Tomas Macaulay

9. In _____ , Carlyle con trasted the misery and con fusi on of in dustrial En gla nd with a

certa in Abbot Sampsorfcadmirable rule of his mon astery in the 12 cen tury. A. Past and Prese nt C. Sartor Resartus

B. Heroes and Hero-Worship D. The French Revoluti on

10. Thomas Macaulaysmasterpiece is _______ .

A. History of En gla nd

B. Culture and An archy

C. Heroes and Hero-Worship D. Modern Painters

11. Tennysons _______ expresses his optimistic attitude towards death when he is old.

A. Break, Break, Break C. The Prin cess

B. Cross ing the Bar D. Maud

12. _____ rema ined a poet in his painting and a pain ter in his poetry.

A. Dan te Gabriel Rosetti B. Christ ina Georg ina Rossetti C. Edward Fitzgerald Key to the multiple choices: 1-5 CAAAD

6-10 AAAAA

11-12 BA n . Fill in the blanks.

D. Alger non Charles Swi nburne

1. Carlyle's Sartor Resartus is a ________ phrase meaninghe tailor retailored”. 2. Rusk in's works on art expo und his _________ thoughts and prin ciples.



3. Rusk in 'The Stones of Venicis a book in the sphere of _________ criticism. 4. Tenny son'book, __________ , was writte n in memory of his frie nd A. H. Hallam. 5. Tenny son' The Idylls of the Ki ng is based on the stories of _________ and his Kn ights

of the Round Table.

6. Christi na Georg ina Rossetti was famous for her _______ , her chief n arrative poem. 7. The keynote of Dante Gabriel Rossetti'love poems is the union of the body and

the ________ .

8. Robert Brow ning 'greatest con tributi on to literature is ______ . 9. Robert Brow ning 'masterpiece is _______ .

10. The Importanee of Being Earnestis the first modern ________ of English. 11. Robert Louis Stevensons masterpiece is _____________ . 12. William Morris was a great poet, artist and__________ .

13. Swinburne' mastery of metrical skill, versatility in the use of lyric forms and

unconven ti onal choice of themes made him an __________ .



14. Songs before Sun rise expresses Swin bur ne's support and sympathy to the revoluti on of in depe

nden ce.

15. _________ is the 4-1 ined stanza rhyming in its first, second, and fourth lines.

Key 1. Latin 2. aesthetic 3. art

4. In Memoriam 5. King Arthur 6. Goblin Market 7. soul

8. dramatic monologue 9. The Ring and the Book 10. comedy 11. Treasure Isla nd 12. socialist 13. aesthete 14. Italian 15. Rubaiyat”

川.Say true or false.

1. In Carlyle' works, archaic words and expressions are revived and new ones inven ted

in the Germa n manner.

2. Swinburn wrote a number of plays including a trilogy of Mary Queen of Scots. 3. Mrs. Browning ' Casa Guidi Windows written in 1851 is a support to the Irish

people'struggle for in depe nden ce.

4. Mr. Browning' Pippa Passes is the first poem in the book Bells and Pomegra nates 5. Robert Louis Steve nso' An In la nd Voyagemade him famous. 6. George Gissing is a leading figure of naturalism. 7. Swinburne wrote a trilogy of Mary Queen of Scots

8. F. Scott Fitzgerald is famous for his translation of Rubaiyat. 9. The Germ is the magazine of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Key to the True/False statements: 1. T 2. T 3. F (Italian) 4. T

5. F (Treasure Island)

6. T

7. T

8. F (Edward Fitzgerald) 9. T



Part Eight Twentieth Century English Literature

I . Choose the right answer.

1. The Way of All Fleshwritte n by ________ gives a devastati ng picture of the bourgeois

family and hypocrisy of the British middle class. A. Samuel Butler C. Herbert George Wells

B. George Meredith D. Joh n Galsworthy

2. ______ is considered the bard of imperialism”.

A. Joseph Conrad

B. Arnold Benn ett

C. Rudyard Kipli ng D. Sea n O'asey 3. Arnold Benn ett'masterpiece is ________ .

A. Kim C. Lord Jim

B. The Old Wives Tale D. The History of Polly

4. Henry James is the forerunner of the ________ .

A. Imagism B. Chartism C. impressionism D. stream of consciousness 5. Kathari ne Man sfield is a master of ______ at the turn of the cen tury.

A. short story writer B. dramatic poetry C. realistic no vels 6. After writi ng ______ , Hardy tur ned to poetry.

A. Un der the Gree nwood Tree B. The Retur n of the Native C. Jude the Obscure

D. The Mayor of Casterbridge

D. humor

7. Joh n Galsworthy won the Nobel Prize for Literature because of _________ .

A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga C. A Modern Comedy

D. The Isla nd Pharisees

8. The Man of Property is take n from Galsworthy' trilogy, _________ .

A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga C. A Modern Comedy

D. The Isla nd Pharisees

9. The Abbey Theatre performed works by _________ dramatists.

A. Irish B. British

C. America n

D. Scottish

10. Yeatss fame rests chiefly on his ___________ , using a lot of symbols in his poem.

A. no vels

B. poetry C. dramas D. prose

11. _____ was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry and a great

inno vator of verse tech niq ue.

A. W. B. Yeats B. T. S. Eliot C. D. H. Lawre nee

D. G. B. Shaw

12. _____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete.

A. A Portrait of the Artist as a You ng Man B. Ulysses



C. Finn ega ns Wake D. Dubli ners

13. _____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics,

culture and religi on.

A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a You ng Man B. Ulysses C. Finn ega ns Wake

D. Dubli ners

14. Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrenee?

A. The Waste Land C. Lady Chatterley sLover

B. The Rai nbow D. Wome n in Love

15. Which of the following is not written by Yeats?

A. Four Quartets B. A Visio n

C. The Winding Stair D. The Tower

16. _____ is the climax of Virginia Woolf' experiments through the novel form of

stream of con scious nes”

A. Jacob SRoom B. To the Lighthouse C. Orlando D. The Waves

Key to the multiple choices: 1-5ACBDA

n . Fill in the blanks. 1.

Herbert George Wells's literary works fall in to three groups: the ___________ no vels, _____ no vels and _____ no vels. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Henry James method of characterization is a complete _________ of characters. Hardy'spoetry is famous for its _______ poetry.

Hardy's novels are well-known for the _________ and _______ . _____ made Galsworthy famous as a playwright. Lady Gregory is the foun der of the _____ Theatre.

Sea n OCasey is renowned for his drama of _______ slums in war and revoluti on. Shaw's ______ play expose the seamy side of the society.

Rupert Brooke is one of the “ ______ poets whose poems isThe Soldier.

6-10 CBBAB

11-16 BBDAAD

10. John Masefield is considered the poet of the _______ .

11. Lawrenee, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf were great ________ fiction writers. 12. Robert Tressell was a work in g-class _______ in the early 20 cen tury.

13. Christopher Caudwell made great contribution to ________ literary criticism by his 2

books, Illusi on and Reality and Studies in a Dyi ng Culture Key to the blanks:

1. realistic; scie ntific; discussi on 2. objectificati on

8. un pleasa nt 9. war



3. Wessex

4. characters; en vir onment 5. The Silver Box 6. Abbey


10. sea

11. psychological 12. no velist

13. Marxist


川.Say true or false.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

George Meredith's novels are masterpieces of satirical portrayal and psychological an alysis.

Joseph Conrad's novels have groups: jungle novels, sea novels and political no vels. Henry Jamess fun dame ntal theme was the innocence of the New World and the corrupti on of the Old.

The story of Tessis filled with a feeli ng of dismal forebod ing and doom. Fateful circumstances and tragic coincidences abound in the book of Jude the Obscure

Lady Gregory, John Millington Synge and Sean O'Casey were great Irish dramatists. The house in Shaws Heartbreak Houseembodies bourgeois England.

Shaw's Saint Joa nis a historical play devoted to the great daughter of the En glish people, Joa n of Arc, and her struggle for the liberty of her coun try.

Alfred Edward Housma n, a classical scholar of the highest order and professor of Lati n at London Un iversity and Cambridge wrote poetry of crystal clarity.

10. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are the two best-known novelists of the stream of

consciousness school.

11. Robert Tressell was a working class novelist whose great work is The Ragged Trousered

Phila nthropists

12. In the 1930s, British Marxist literary criticism was represented by two revoluti onary

writers, Ralph Fox and Christopher Caudwell.

13. Ralph Fox srepresentative book isThe Novel and the People

Key to True/False statements: 1. T

2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F (Tess 6. T

8. F (Fre nch people) 9. T 10. T 11. T 12. T 13. T

7. T

