韶山的导游词(精选3篇) 韶山的导游词 篇1
1986年8月,国家规定韶山既是革命纪念地,又是风景旅游区。 20__年12月,毛泽东同志故居景区成功升级国家4A级,市委市政府以此为新的起点,采取一系列措施,为大韶山、大旅游、大景区的建设奠定了基础。
20__年8月湖南省将韶山列入全省文化旅游产业重点县,从20__年至20__年连续扶持三年。 韶峰
韶峰又名仙顶峰,为南岳七十七峰之一,位于湘潭韶山旅游区南部海拔519米,是景区第一高峰。韶峰耸翠系韶山八景之一。 云门寺
云门寺又名石碑寺,位于湘潭韶山旅游区的湘乡市区东北隅。始建于宋皇二年(1050)。明清两代多次重修。省级重点文物保护单位。重建后面积是1.2万平方米,内有前殿、大雄宝殿、观音阁等建筑。 关圣殿
关圣殿位于湘潭韶山旅游区的湘潭市平政路。大殿重檐歇山顶,建筑在花岗石台基上,高16米、长24米、宽14米,气势雄伟,结构复杂,雕饰繁多。 滴水洞
滴水洞是主席别墅,位于湘潭韶山旅游区的韶山冲西边的角落里,与主席故居相距3公里。滴水洞天,是韶山风景中一个著名的景点群,别墅始建于1960年,房屋建筑形式与北京中南海房屋的结构相近似。 雨湖公园
湖而得名。占地约21公顷,其中水面12公顷,分上、中、下三湖。湖中修筑有风格各异的七星、八仙两座桥,桥拱宽大,游船畅通。 彭德怀故居
占地200平方米。故居现存建筑是彭德怀在湘军任团长时出资修建的,始建于。1998年在故居北面建成开放彭德怀纪念馆。 齐白石故居
齐白石故居位于湘潭韶山旅游区的湘潭县白石铺乡星斗塘村, 占地150平方米。为一普通农舍。省级重点文物保护单位。其故居陈列有齐白石老人一生的生平事迹的照片和诗画书墨真迹供游人欣赏。 毛泽东故居
诞辰一百周年而建的新纪念游览点。碑林占地2万平方米。碑林的碑体分别采用大小不一的大理石、汉白玉石和花岗岩。 毛泽东纪念馆
同志旧居陈列馆,建于1964年,建筑面积8830.08平方米,1982年改为现名。 岱子山
游龙山文化遗址,共有80多座墓葬,墓内有石铲、石凿、石锛和陶鬲、杯、壶、罐、盆、碗等陶质生活用具,为研究早期长江中游文化提供了大量实物和资料。 韶山的导游词 篇2
姓尧,号有虞氏,名重生,世称虞舜。他是继尧之后被中华民族世代推崇的又一明君圣主。他为尧所器重,尧不但把盟主的尊位禅让于他,还把两位爱女娥皇、女英许配与他。舜继位之后,为造福人类,开拓疆土,辞别爱侣,甘冒苦辛,渡黄河,涉长江,深入荆楚蛮荒之地,探测山川利弊,规划拓垦宏图。南下途中舜与侍从宿营韶山,侍从们为舜帝载歌载舞,随着优美的音乐舞蹈,山崖翕然,山鸣谷应,声震林木,凤凰闻乐展翅,嘤嘤和鸣。山间胜境,人间盛会,亘古传诵。日久,人们便把舜帝欣赏过的音乐称为韶乐,把他赏韶乐的山岭叫韶山。 韶山的导游词 篇3
OK, now please pay attention. We are going to enter Shaoshan soon. Letssee, there is a couplet in front of us. The left couplet says how ambitious itis to sacrifice. The right couplet says: dare to call the sun and the moon tochange the sky. As we all know, China has four big stoves: Changsha, Nanjing,Wuhan and Chongqing. Besides the four furnaces, where is the hottest place? Yes,Shaoshan! Because Shaoshan is the place where the red sun rises.
Shaoshan tourist area is located in _iangtan City and Shaoshan City. In1994, it was designated as a national scenic spot by the State Council. With atotal area of 214 square kilometers and a population of 98000, people
surnamedMao account for 70%. The whole terrain of Shaoshan is gradually inclined fromnorthwest to Southeast. In the East, there are hills and relatively open areas.In the west, there are mountains surrounded. Due to the long-term closing ofmountains for afforestation, the peaks are lush. Shaofeng, the highest peak ofShaoshan mountain, is the 71st peak of Hengshan Mountain, and the 72nd peak isYuelu peak. Shaoshan is a treasure land of geomancy, and its legends arebeautiful. It is said that Emperor Shun visited Hunan and Shaoshan during hissouthern tour. He was very happy to see the beautiful scenery. Then he made hisentourage play Shao music (a kind of palace music at that time). Suddenly, allof a sudden, a hundred birds were jubilant, and all the birds and animals nearbywere singing and dancing. Because the surrounding area is full of mountains andforests, people later according to the story that Emperor Shun used Shaoyue toattract hundreds of birds, this place is called Shaoshan. Shaoshans Shao iscalled by Yin, which is e_actly what it means. Shaoshanchong, Shaofeng andShaohe are also named after Shao. There are many legends about
Shaoshan.Besides, there are also stories about Qianlong. It is said that Qianlong of theQing Dynasty once asserted that
Shaoshan was a treasure land of geomantic omen.Within 520__ years, there would be a son of destiny, whose surname must bebackhand in charge of heaven and earth. As e_pected, in 1893, our great manMao Zedong was born, which also happened to verify the words of Qianlong. Youcan try to write what is the last stroke of the hand in the palm of your hand.The backhand palm is Mao.
Chairman Maos mother, Wen, is a native of _iang_iang. Wen ranks theseventh in her family. Others call her Wen Qimei. Because the ancestral grave ofWens family is in Shaoshan, in order to have a place to stay when they go tothe grave on Tomb Sweeping Day, Wens father married Wen Qimei to Shaoshan andMao Shunsheng, Chairman Maos father. Wens family is three years older than MaoShunshengs. as the saying goes, a womans junior, hold a BRIC. In the localMao Shunshengs family, the conditions are OK. The night before Wen gave birthto Mao Zedong, Mao Shunsheng had a strange dream that a flying dragon looked upand refused to leave. In December 26, 1893, a dark night, lightning, thunder,strong wind, a great generation was born. Mao Zedong received his grandmothershouse when he was young. There was a huge stone in the back of the mountain
thatlooked like a human being. People called it Shi Guanyin. His grandmother tookhim to Shi Guanyin and worshipped him as a godmother to protect him from growingup. From this, Shi Erya came.
Mao Shunsheng, Chairman Maos father, is a shrewd businessman. He is verydisgusted with his fathers practice, so he often contradicts his father. Once,his father invited his business friend to his home and asked Mao Zedong to treathim. But Mao Zedong died and ran out of the house. His father Mao Shunshengchased him out. Mao Zedong ran to the pond and threatened his father: if youforce me again, jump down. Mao Shunsheng was very worried at that time
becausehis two eldest sons died young and he was afraid of losing another one, so hehad to do it Lets go. Chairman Mao is very filial to his mother. Once he foughtwith his father and didnt speak to him for more than ten days. When his mothersaw him, she couldnt persuade him to kneel down and admit his mistake to hisfather. Mao Zedong knelt down and said, mother, this leg is kneeling foryou.
Well, later, one of the scenic spots we will visit is Chairman Maos BronzeStatue Square. The bronze statue of Chairman Mao is 10.1 meters high and weighs3.7 tons. 10.1
meters means October 1, the founding day of the peoples Republicof China. Therefore, the bronze statue of Chairman Mao is taken from an image ofthe founding ceremony. The chairman is holding a speech, wearing a Zhongshansuit and smiling. The meaning of shaoshanchong is a flat land in the valley, soChairman Maos Bronze Statue Square is in the center of shaoshanchong. Thebronze statue of Chairman Mao was made by Nanjing Chenguang factory and carvedby famous sculptors Liu Kailiang and Cheng Yun_ian in China. It lasted 120 days.The bronze statue of Chairman Mao left Nanjing on December 6, 1993, and enteredHunan through Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei and Jiang_i. When the car team carrying thebronze statue of Chairman Mao drove to Jinggangshan, Jiang_i Province, the carsuddenly stalled. The drivers repeatedly checked and found nothing wrong. Atthis time, an old watch in his 70s said: Jinggangshan is the first place whereChairman Mao went out of the mountains and took up his gun to make revolution.He wants to stay here for a night to have a look. The ne_t day, without anymaintenance, the car miraculously started. On a Ren shaped hillside at thejunction of Jiang_i and Hunan, it was raining cats and dogs. The road intoJinggang Mountain was
very slippery. More than 100 cars were injured to varyingdegrees. Some of them could not walk at all. Only the car carrying the bronzestatue passed Jinggang Mountain smoothly and safely. When a reporter asked aboutthe driver, the driver said, I think its Chairman Maos blessing. So now manydrivers hang a little portrait of Chairman Mao in front of their cars in orderto have a safe journey.
There are a series of strange things about the bronze statue of ChairmanMao. I dont know how much you know from the news media. Here, lets talk aboutit. The unveiling ceremony of Chairman Maos bronze statue was officially heldon December 26, 1993, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Chairman Maosbirth. __ personally arrived in Shaoshan from Beijing to unveil the bronzestatue of Chairman Mao. It was sunny and cloudless, but strangely enough, themoon came out around 10:30 a.m. The left side of the bronze statue is the sun,and the right side is the moon. The sun and the moon shine on each other, makingthe whole sky bright. Thus, a once-in-a-lifetime and very rare astronomicalspectacle, the sun and the moon, came into being. At that time, it was December,and the azaleas all over the mountain were in full bloom, especially the
onebehind Chairman Maos former residence. As we all know, Rhododendron usuallyblooms from March to April every year, but this time it blooms in the coldwinter months, a few months earlier than the previous flowering season. Cant itbe said that it is against the law of nature? At that time, Emperor Shunssouthern tour and Qianlongs prophecy were just legends, without any historicalbasis or evidence. And the sun and the moon and the azalea bloom, is people seewith their own eyes, at the same time, there was a grand occasion photographedat that time. So people say: Chairman Mao is so great, he can make the skychange with peoples will, flowers bloom with Gods will. Chairman Mao is a realGod. His glorious name and great achievements will coe_ist with the sun and themoon and heaven and earth! Later, we will see the photos and live videos of thesun and the moon and the azalea blooming in Shaoshan. It wasnt just thesestrange things. On December 26, 1993, when the lottery was unveiled, si_ largecolored butterflies danced around the bronze statue of the chairman and refusedto leave for a long time. The onlookers were amazed. An old man introduced si_relatives of Chairman Mao: Yang Kaihui, Mao Zemin, Mao zecui, Mao anying, MaoChu_iong and Mao Yingjian.
Members of the group, its nothing if such a strange thing or strange thinghappens alone, but a series of strange things or strange things happen at thesame time, in the same place and in the same person, we have to admit that itsreally strange. After all, the chairman is a great man. Although he left us, hestill lives by our side and in our heart. Therefore, the bronze statue ofChairman Mao is called an Oriental God..
When you visit Shaoshan, you must bring some souvenirs, such as chairmansbadge, chairmans necklace, key chain, Chairman Maos stamp album and so on.These are very common, very common. So which is the best and most valuable? Ithink as a tour guide, _iao _ has the obligation and
responsibility to guideyou. The most precious souvenir in Shaoshan is the bronze statue of Chairman Maoapproved and issued by the State Central Archives Bureau. This small bronzestatue was issued on December 10, 1999 to celebrate the return of Macao. (theimage of the small bronze statue is reduced by 100 times) so far, four versionshave been issued. The bronze statues are numbered by the Central ArchivesBureau, from 0001 to 9999, with a total of 9999. Why only issue 9999 instead of9998 or 10000? Because
Chairman Mao had a special affinity with 9 in his life.You may as well recall with _iao _ that on September 9, 1949, he led thepeoples Liberation Army into Beijing; on September 9, 1976, Chairman Mao died.Then there is another 9 words, which means respect of __, and also symbolizesthat Chairman Maos position is unshakable and irreplaceable. As soon as thebronze statue of Chairman Mao was issued, the first number 0001 and the lastnumber 9999 were immediately invited by Wang Maolin and ___, former secretariesof Hunan provincial Party committee. Because 0001 means the starting point.Chairman Mao was born in Shaoshan and Hunan. Of course, the No. 0001 bronzestatue will stay in Hunan. Now Wang Maolin donated the 0001 bronze statue to theProvincial Museum for preservation. 9999 means the respect of __. Of course,only the chairman can have it. If you are careful, sometimes you willoccasionally see a small bronze statue of Chairman Mao on __s desk on TV, whichis No. 9999.
Later, when you invite the bronze statue, you must pay attention to thefollowing points: first, the small bronze statue of Chairman Mao was issued byShaoshan Tourism Administration in the state-owned Shaoshan former residenceshopping mall. There is no unique collection
number for the small bronze statuesin other places. The real little bronze statue of Chairman Mao is made of redcopper. Others are glass, copper, porcelain and lime. Second, when you inviteChairman Maos small bronze statue, you must pay attention to please insteadof buying it. Using the word buy is disrespect for Chairman Mao. Shaoshanpeople are very unhappy to hear that. Third, if you want to buy ordinarysouvenirs, you can buy them in the hands of small vendors. They dont have topay ta_es and the price is very cheap.
Wait a minute, we will have a special announcer to e_plain to you when wearrive at the designated distribution office. Well, please dont forget later.If you are interested, please take the chairman home. Please take a statue ofthe chairman with a little aura, and bless your family peace, happiness andhealth!