友城大会 nternational Friendship Cities Conference 2012中国国际友好城市大会 主题:“幸福城市,绿色生活” “2012巾围困际友好城『l,人会”j 2O12 9}{11口一1 3 I 1 JIl省成部市举行。来自+19个 ,采的95位外刚城Iti、90 位中国城I¨l勺代农, 计720余人lI『J J 人会。 本届大会以“幸福城市,绿色牛活”为l 题.Ⅲ绕城I 际化发展战略、城市转 与跨越发腱、城『 定化与投资导 向、城市的应急救灾、城镇人¨老龄化等血人议题交流绎 验、分享成果,以期加强中外友好城f1 问的对话与J 解,继 续深化务 合作,促进友好城fim0』 发 。43化 {l外厅代 炭 议题卜发言 大会还表彰厂近年来在友好城市交流合 作巾作…突…负献的【+I外省、州 城市80个,评选…困际友 好城Its交流合作奖38个、国际友好城ItJ特别 献奖1个。魂 2014年中国国际友好城市大会 主题:“我的城市、我的梦” “2014年中 凼际友好城『ti人=会暨广州国际城市创新 人会”j 2014午l1月28[=J一2 9l l 广尔省J 州市举行,来自 世 56个幽客的600多他代表}fl朦。本届大会以“我的城 市、我的梦”为主题,研讨【{j外城市介作与创新 火会还举办’r世界城l}T 岛端访谈和“城镇化与智慧城 『 “丝绸之路与地方政府俞作”, 题论坛,来自圈内外的 30余位 会代表在论坛 题讨论会上发言。大会还对伞曰 友协和友城联合会评选fII的81个扶“对华友好城市交流合 作奖”,38个“国际友好城市交流合作奖”和5个“国际友 好城,li特别贡献奖”的城市予以农彰。 (全国友协供稿、供图) My"C/ty My Dt"Qa ̄'lq . 】 }曩{ , _ 友域大会 nternational Friendship Cities Conference China Internationa1.Friendship Cities Conference 201 2 Theme:“Happy City.Green Living” The 201 2 China International Friendship Cities Conference was held in Chengdu city,Sichuan province on September 1 1—1 3 201 2.Totally 720 people made their presences on this conference.including 90 representalives f广om cities of China of urban population so as to cement mutuaI dialogues and Unde rstandings between friendship cities,deepen thei r practical cooperation and promote their mutual development. 43 reDresentatives both frOm home and abroad gave their and 95 ones from cities of 49 foreign countries This conference was themed on“Happy City,Green Living”. ReDresenfa ciVes both from home and abroad exchanged experience and shared outcomes against such five topics as city’S internalization development strategy,urban transformation and spanning development,urban development and investment orientation,urban emergency and disaster relief and aging speeches on those aforesaid topics The ClFCA spoke highly Of Ihe prominent contributions which 80 domestic and foreign provinces,states and cities had made in friendshiP cities exchange and cooperation,issued 38“International Cities Exchange and Cooperation Awards”and 4“International Cities Special Contribution Awards”. China Internationa1.Friendship Cities Conference 201 4 Theme:“My City。My Dream’’ November 28—29.2014 witnessed lhe 2014 China lnternationaI Friendship Cities Confe rence&Guangzhou lnternationaI Cities Innovation Conference in Guangzhou city,Guangdong province. More than 600 representatives made their presences on this“My “urbanization and smarl city”and“the SiIk Road and locaI government cooperation”.More than 30 reDresentaIives both frOm home and abroad gave their speeches against those aforesaid topics on the forum The CIFCA issued 81“China’s Ciy,My Dream”themed confterence to discuss cities cooperation and innovation between China and foreign countries. This conference covered high—end talks between international friendship cities and some other themed forums concerning Friendship Cities Exchange and Cooperation Awards”,38 “InternationaI Cities Exchange and Cooperation Awards”and 5“InternationaI Cities Special Contribution Awards”on the conference. c WOI Id and(’hon ̄qn1 63