[code:1]function net = train(tutor, X, Y, C, kernel, alpha_init, bias_init)
% Train a support vector classification network, using the sequential minimal
% optimisation algorithm.
% net = train(tutor, x, y, net);
% net = train(tutor, x, y, C, kernel);
% net = train(tutor, X, Y, C, kernel, alpha_init, bias_init)
% where:
% tutor = tutor object
% x = training inputs
% y = training data
% C = Upper bound - non-separable case (optional, defaults C=Inf)
% kernel = kernel function (optional, defaults kernel=linear)
% net = svc object (optional)
% alpha_init =
% bias_init =
% if kernel, alpha_init or bias_init is 'NOBIAS' then no
% threshold, b, is used and it is set to 0
% File : @quadprogsvctutor/train.m
% Author : Diego Andres Alvarez Marin
% Description : Part of an object-oriented implementation of Vapnik's
% Support Vector Machine, as described in [1].
% References :
% V.N. VAPNIK, \"The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory\
% Springer-Verlag, New York, ISBN 0-387-94559-8, 1995.
% PLATT, J.~C. (1998).
% Fast training of support vector machines using sequential minimal
% optimization. In Schölkopf, B., Burges, C., and Smola, A.~J., editors,
% Advances in Kernel Methods: Support Vector Learning, chapter~12,
% pages 185--208. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
% History : May 15/2001 - v1.00
if size(Y, 2) ~= 1 | ~isreal(Y)
error('y must be a real double precision column vector');
n = size(Y, 1);
if n ~= size(X, 1)
error('x and y must have the same number of rows');
if (nargin<3 | nargin>7) % check correct number of arguments
help svc
if nargin == 4 & isa(C, 'svc')
net = C;
C = get(net,'C');
kernel = get(net,'kernel');
if nargin < 4, C = Inf; end;
if nargin < 5, kernel = linear; end;
switch nargin
case 5
if ischar(kernel) & strcmp(kernel,'NOBIAS')
case 6
if ischar(alpha_init) & strcmp(alpha_init,'NOBIAS')
case 7
if ischar(bias_init) & strcmp(bias_init,'NOBIAS')
if nargin == 7
if n ~= size(alpha_init, 1)
error('alpha must be a real double precision column vector with the same size as y');
if any(alpha_init < 0)
error ('No pueden existir alphas negativos')
alpha_init = zeros(n,1); %inicializo los pesos a zeros
bias_init = 0; %inicializo threshold a zero
fprintf('\\n\\nSequential Minimal Optimization: SVMs for Classification\\n')
fprintf( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\n')
SMO = SMOTutorNOBIAS(X, Y, C, kernel, alpha_init, bias_init);
SMO = SMOTutor(X, Y, C, kernel, alpha_init, bias_init);
fprintf('Execution time: %4.1f seconds\\n',toc);
sv = X;
w = (SMO.alpha.*Y)'; %weight vector
net = svc(kernel, sv, w, SMO.bias, C);
fprintf('Epochs : %d\\n',SMO.epochs);
w0_2 = w*SMO.Kcache*w';
fprintf('|w0|^2 : %f\\n',w0_2);
fprintf('Margin : %f\\n',1/sqrt(w0_2));
NUMSV = nonZeroLagrangeMultipliers;
fprintf('Support Vectors : %d (%3.1f%%)\\n\\n',NUMSV,100*NUMSV/n);
function RESULT = SMOTutor(x,y,C,kernel,alpha_init,bias_init)
%Implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)
%training algorithm for Vapnik's Support Vector Machine (SVM)
global SMO;
[ntp,d] = size(x);
%Inicializando las variables
SMO.epsilon = svtol(C); SMO.tolerance = KKTtol;
SMO.x = x; SMO.y = y;
SMO.C = C; SMO.kernel = kernel;
SMO.alpha = alpha_init; SMO.bias = bias_init;
SMO.ntp = ntp; %number of training points
SMO.Kcache = evaluate(kernel,x,x); %kernel evaluations
SMO.error = zeros(SMO.ntp,1); %error
if ~any(SMO.alpha)
%Como todos los alpha(i) son zeros, entonces fwd(i), tambien es zero
SMO.error = -y;
SMO.error = fwd(1:ntp) - y;
numChanged = 0; examineAll = 1;
epoch = 0;
%When all data were examined and no changes done the loop reachs its
%end. Otherwise, loops with all data and likely support vector are
%alternated until all support vector be found.
while (numChanged > 0) | examineAll
numChanged = 0;
if examineAll
%Loop sobre todos los puntos
for i = 1:ntp
numChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);
%Loop sobre KKT points
for i = 1:ntp
%Solo los puntos que violan las condiciones KKT
if (SMO.alpha(i)>SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i)<(SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))
numChanged = numChanged + examineExample(i);
if (examineAll == 1)
examineAll = 0;
elseif (numChanged == 0)
examineAll = 1;
epoch = epoch+1;
% trerror = 1; %100*sum((error)<0)/ntp;
% fprintf('Epoch: %d, TR Error: %g%%, numChanged: 0 % trerror,... % numChanged,... % nonZeroLagrangeMultipliers,... % nonBoundLagrangeMultipliers); %WRITE RESULTADOS A DISCO, W, B, ERROR end; SMO.epochs = epoch; %d, alpha>0: %d, RESULT = SMO; return; function RESULT = nonZeroLagrangeMultipliers; global SMO; RESULT = sum(SMO.alpha>SMO.epsilon); return; function RESULT = nonBoundLagrangeMultipliers; global SMO; RESULT = sum((SMO.alpha>SMO.epsilon) (SMO.alpha<(SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))); return; function RESULT = fwd(n) global SMO; LN = length(n); & RESULT = -SMO.bias + sum(repmat(SMO.y,1,LN) .* repmat(SMO.alpha,1,LN) .* SMO.Kcache(:,n))'; return; function RESULT = examineExample(i2) %First heuristic selects i2 and asks to examineExample to find a %second point (i1) in order to do an optimization step with two %Lagrange multipliers global SMO; alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2); y2 = SMO.y(i2); if ((alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))) e2 = SMO.error(i2); else e2 = fwd(i2) - y2; end; % r2 < 0 if point i2 is placed between margin (-1)-(+1) % Otherwise r2 is > 0. r2 = f2*y2-1 r2 = e2*y2; %KKT conditions: % r2>0 and alpha2==0 (well classified) % r2==0 and 0 % % Test the KKT conditions for the current i2 point. % % If a point is well classified its alpha must be 0 or if % it is out of its margin its alpha must be C. If it is at margin % its alpha must be between 0 if ((r2 < -SMO.tolerance) & (alpha2 < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))) | ... ((r2 > SMO.tolerance) & (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon)) % If it doens't violate KKT conditions then exit, otherwise continue. %Try i2 by three ways; if successful, then immediately return 1; RESULT = 1; % First the routine tries to find an i1 lagrange multiplier that % maximizes the measure |E1-E2|. As large this value is as bigger % the dual objective function becames. % In this first test, only support vectors will be tested. POS = find((SMO.alpha > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))); [MAX,i1] = max(abs(e2 - SMO.error(POS))); if ~isempty(i1) < if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return; end; end; %The second heuristic choose any Lagrange Multiplier that is a SV and tries to optimize for i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp) if (SMO.alpha(i1) > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i1) < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)) %if a good i1 is found, optimise if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return; end; end end %if both heuristc above fail, iterate over all data set for i1 = randperm(SMO.ntp) if ~((SMO.alpha(i1) > SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i1) < (SMO.C-SMO.epsilon))) if takeStep(i1, i2, e2), return; end; end end; end; %no progress possible RESULT = 0; return; function RESULT = takeStep(i1, i2, e2) % for a pair of alpha indexes, verify if it is possible to execute % the optimisation described by Platt. global SMO; RESULT = 0; if (i1 == i2), return; end; % compute upper and lower constraints, L and H, on multiplier a2 alpha1 = SMO.alpha(i1); alpha2 = SMO.alpha(i2); x1 = SMO.x(i1); x2 = SMO.x(i2); y1 = SMO.y(i1); y2 = SMO.y(i2); C = SMO.C; K = SMO.Kcache; s = y1*y2; if (y1 ~= y2) L = max(0, alpha2-alpha1); H = min(C, alpha2-alpha1+C); else L = max(0, alpha1+alpha2-C); H = min(C, alpha1+alpha2); end; if (L == H), return; end; if (alpha1 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha1 < (C-SMO.epsilon)) e1 = SMO.error(i1); else e1 = fwd(i1) - y1; end; %if (alpha2 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha2 < (C-SMO.epsilon)) % e2 = SMO.error(i2); %else % e2 = fwd(i2) - y2; %end; %compute eta k11 = K(i1,i1); k12 = K(i1,i2); k22 = K(i2,i2); eta = 2.0*k12-k11-k22; %recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i2 if (eta < 0.0) a2 = alpha2 - y2*(e1 - e2)/eta; %constrain a2 to lie between L and H if (a2 < L) a2 = L; elseif (a2 > H) a2 = H; end; else %When eta is not negative, the objective function W should be %evaluated at each end of the line segment. Only those terms in the %objective function that depend on alpha2 need be evaluated... ind = find(SMO.alpha>0); aa2 = L; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2); Lobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); aa2 = H; aa1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-aa2); Hobj = aa1 + aa2 + sum((-y1*aa1/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i1) (-y2*aa2/2).*SMO.y(ind).*K(ind,i2)); if (Lobj>Hobj+SMO.epsilon) a2 = L; elseif (Lobj else a2 = alpha2; end; end; + + if (abs(a2-alpha2) < SMO.epsilon*(a2+alpha2+SMO.epsilon)) return; end; % recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i1 a1 = alpha1 + s*(alpha2-a2); w1 = y1*(a1 - alpha1); w2 = y2*(a2 - alpha2); %update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliers b1 = SMO.bias + e1 + w1*k11 + w2*k12; bold = SMO.bias; if (a1>SMO.epsilon) & (a1<(C-SMO.epsilon)) SMO.bias = b1; else b2 = SMO.bias + e2 + w1*k12 + w2*k22; if (a2>SMO.epsilon) & (a2<(C-SMO.epsilon)) SMO.bias = b2; else SMO.bias = (b1 + b2)/2; end; end; % update error cache using new Lagrange multipliers SMO.error = SMO.error + w1*K(:,i1) + w2*K(:,i2) + bold - SMO.bias; SMO.error(i1) = 0.0; SMO.error(i2) = 0.0; % update vector of Lagrange multipliers SMO.alpha(i1) = a1; SMO.alpha(i2) = a2; %report progress made RESULT = 1; return; %********************************************************************* function RESULT = SMOTutorNOBIAS(x,y,C,kernel,alpha_init,bias_init); %Implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) %training algorithm for Vapnik's Support Vector Machine (SVM) global SMO; [ntp,d] = size(x); %Inicializando las variables SMO.epsilon = svtol(C); SMO.x = x; SMO.y = y; SMO.C = C; SMO.kernel = kernel; SMO.alpha = alpha_init; fprintf('We will not use bias. Setting bias to zero.\\n') SMO.bias = 0; %Implicit bias = 0 SMO.ntp = ntp; %number of training points %CACHES: SMO.Kcache = evaluate(kernel,x,x); %kernel evaluations SMO.error = zeros(SMO.ntp,1); %error if ~any(SMO.alpha) %Como todos los alpha(i) son zeros, entonces fwd(i), tambien es zero SMO.error = -y; else SMO.error = fwd(1:ntp) - y; end; numChanged = 0; examineAll = 1; epoch = 0; %When all data were examined and no changes done the loop reachs its %end. Otherwise, loops with all data and likely support vector are %alternated until all support vector be found. while (numChanged > 0) | examineAll numChanged = 0; %FIRST CHOICE HEURISTIC %THE OUTER LOOP if examineAll %Loop sobre todos los puntos for i = 1:ntp numChanged = numChanged + examineExampleNOBIAS(i); end; else %Loop sobre KKT points for i = 1:ntp %Solo los puntos que violan las condiciones KKT if (SMO.alpha(i)>SMO.epsilon) & (SMO.alpha(i)<(SMO.C-SMO.epsilon)) numChanged = numChanged + examineExampleNOBIAS(i); end; end; end; if (examineAll == 1) examineAll = 0; elseif (numChanged == 0) examineAll = 1; end; % epoch = epoch+1; % trerror = 1; %100*sum((error)<0)/ntp; % fprintf('Epoch: %d, TR Error: %g%%, numChanged: %d, alpha>0: %d, 0 % trerror,... % numChanged,... % nonZeroLagrangeMultipliers,... % nonBoundLagrangeMultipliers); %WRITE RESULTADOS A DISCO, W, B, ERROR end; SMO.epochs = epoch; RESULT = SMO; return; function RESULT = examineExampleNOBIAS(i1) RESULT = takeStepNOBIAS(i1); return; function RESULT = takeStepNOBIAS(i1) global SMO; alpha1 = SMO.alpha(i1); x1 = SMO.x(i1); y1 = SMO.y(i1); C = SMO.C; K = SMO.Kcache; if (alpha1 > SMO.epsilon) & (alpha1 < (C-SMO.epsilon)) e1 = SMO.error(i1); else e1 = fwd(i1) - y1; end; %constrain a1 to lie between L and H a1 = min(max(0,alpha1 - y1*e1/K(i1,i1)),C); if (abs(a1-alpha1) < SMO.epsilon*(a1+alpha1+SMO.epsilon)) RESULT = 0; return; end; % update error cache using new Lagrange multipliers SMO.error = SMO.error + y1*(a1 - alpha1)*K(:,i1); SMO.error(i1) = 0.0; % update vector of Lagrange multipliers SMO.alpha(i1) = a1; %report progress made RESULT = 1; return;[/code:1] 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容