The romantic love story——The film describes a love story between a harlot and a rich man. It is a fairy story about Cinderella of modern version. Being the he-ro-in-e in a fairy tale seems to be the dream of every girl since very young. All girls are looking forward to romantic love stories descending on them. The more impossible the love is going to happen, the happier the girl to be, which is definitely decided by the nature of girls. The most impressed things came to me in the film were the hero’s (Richard Gere) character. He was charming, a real confident man, so perfect, so charming, however, that didn’t make you think he was conceited or he was pretend to be attractive. As a matter of fact, he is an indeed gentleman, with a natural gentle manner. His charm actually comes from his inner refinement. His personality is a great magnet to me.In the meanwhile, the difference between a rude woman and elegant women are obviously high lightened in this film, which I has paid attention to for a long time.