Dear Sir:
The reason why I want to go Singapore is I like to learn some different culture and I can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way I can make more friends. I like the weather in Singapore also. I will go back to china, the reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese I will never forgot my country. Be honestly, I will pick Tsinghua University, because to go to Tsinghua University is one of the biggest dreams in my life and Tsinghua University is the best University in my country.
If I like literature, I probably will like comedies more, beacuse I am an optimism and I want to make reader happy when they ready my essay. I want to be success in every single class in the university, when I graduate me want to be a business administration.
I like to read the novel in my spare time.
My goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a husband and make allot money. I do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me.
I think high school entrance examination is very easy, but I know I still have allot think should learn.
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