

2022-05-03 来源:易榕旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Just tonight I stood before the tavern.(就在今夜我站在酒店前。)

2、After singing all night in the tavern, I had a frog in the throat next morning.(在酒馆里唱了一整夜歌,第二天早晨我的嗓子有点嘶哑了。)

3、Jack Bauer had slipped to the back of the tavern and used a metal Dumpster to get a boost to the flat tar roof.(杰克·鲍尔悄悄走到酒馆后面,踩着一个金属大垃圾箱爬上铺着沥青的平坦屋顶。)

4、You know, his tavern was all right on the Saturday I went to the picnic.(你知道,星期六我去野餐的时候,他的客栈还好好的。)

5、She sang a soldiers' marching chant, and then a dirty tavern song, and then a lullaby.(起初是一首战士行军的歌,后来是一首小客栈的风尘小调,再后来是一首摇篮曲。)

6、If by chance I see you in the tavern.(如果碰巧我见你在酒店。)

7、Here—it's the number of a room—in a tavern, you know!(这儿——这是房间号——是客栈里的,你知道吧!)

8、The Playwright tavern is across the street from the Barclays Capital building, on 49th st and 7th Avenue in Manhattan.(剧作家酒馆位于曼哈顿49街和第7大道之间的巴克莱投资银行大厦对面。)

9、I'll ha'nt that tavern every night for a year!(我愿意连续一年每晚都盯着那家客栈!)

10、Eleven o'clock came, and the tavern lights were put out; darkness everywhere, now.(十一点钟到了,客栈的灯也熄了。黑暗现在无处不在。)

11、Fixed the issue which caused the Phoenix to enter and stay in the tavern area.(修正了导致凤凰可进入并停留于酒馆区域的问题。)

12、Nobody entered the alley or left it; nobody resembling the Spaniard entered or left the tavern door.(没有人进出巷子;没有一个像西班牙人的人进出客栈的门。)

13、Huck, I never told on that tavern-keeper.(哈克,我从来没有告发过客栈老板。)

14、He waited until he heard shots. Then he peered through the skylight, into the darkened tavern.(他等到枪声响起,才透过天窗朝阴暗的酒馆内看去。)

15、The husbands fled their homes and congregated in the tavern.(丈夫们逃离了自己的家,聚集在小酒馆借酒消愁。)

16、They ran mills, plantations, tanyards, shipyards, and every kind of shop, tavern, and boardinghouse.(她们经营手工作坊、种植园、制革场、造船厂和各类商店、小旅馆和供膳寄宿处。)

17、On the way to the hospital, they stopped by a tavern and he had a little pint of cider to drink, sat down and talked to people.(在去医院的路上,他们在一家酒馆前停了下来,他喝了一小杯苹果酒,坐下来和人们聊天。)

18、Have you tried a bar or tavern?(你试过在酒吧或旅馆找吗?)

19、They met every two weeks at the Crown and Anchor tavern in the Strand.(成员们每隔两周都会在位于海滨的“皇冠·锚酒馆”聚会。)

20、In the tavern, no-one spoke, but only eyed each other, suspiciously.(在酒馆里,村民们也不说话,只是彼此用眼睛打量着对方。)

21、Georgi Timko knew the four men were trouble the moment they walked into his tavern.(这4个男人一走进酒馆,老板格奥尔基·蒂姆科就知道他们是来找麻烦的。)

22、The ugly girl never bought a new frock, never made repairs to the house, and never drank in the village tavern.(从来没见买过新衣服,也从来没有修葺过房子,更不用说在村里小酒馆里喝酒了。)

23、The atmosphere is tavern-like with stone walls and a ceiling hung with retro lamps (20 rue St Louis, Strasbourg;(周围环境有种小酒馆风味,砌着石墙,天花板上掉着复古灯(斯特拉斯堡圣路易斯街20号;)

24、Suddenly shots filled the tavern as a long burst tore the man in the long coat to bloody pieces.(突然,枪声充塞了酒馆,一长串射击把穿着长罩衫的杀手打得血肉横飞。)

25、the knights met in the tavern to discuss their plan.(骑士们在小酒店里会合,讨论他们的计划。)

26、Drinkers line the bar at Byrnes tavern.(酒客沿伯恩斯酒吧的吧台排成一行。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


